Chapter 2

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(A few days before the train robbery)

Raya was sitting in the saloon of Rhodes and was drinking her whiskey while planning how to rob the train.

The biggest problem is still that she was alone and had to do all the work, like knocking out the guards and stopping the train. Then she had to break trough the safe and had to controll the passengers, so that nobody played the hero, which was the most difficult task. She also had to accomplish all of this before the sherrif reinforcement arrived. And when they arrived, Raya would be as good as dead. By thinking of the sherrifs she secretly wished that one particular sherrif would come as well.
She loved fighting with Namaari every time they met even when the other woman wanted to kill her. But she also noticed the strange feeling she has when she sees the sheriff of Valentine. This feeling was always different, sometimes it felt like hundreds of butterflies fly through her stomach or that she gets a little bit warmer every time she is near Namaari. Raya couldn't define this feeling or even say if it was a good or a bad one.

Raya was deeply in thoughts when a man approached her and began to speak: "It's not usually for a woman sitting alone in such place."
Raya knew what she had to do, in this situation. It happens often that a guy would sit next to her and starts flirting.
She immediately grabbed her revolver, to blast the stupid grin out of the guys face.

But before she could even point her gun at the guy, another man interfered: "Please excuse my friend Miss, he is a fool." He apologised and continued speaking: "What he really wanted to say was that you could take a seat at our table." Raya asked confused: "And what makes you think I would accept?" "We better dicuss this in private." The stranger answered

When they arrived at the table where already an elder and middle-aged man sat, the man who seemed to be the leader began speaking: "You certainly know that there is a train full of rich passengers driving from Valentine to Saint Denis and we wanted to know if  you would be interested to join our little "business".
"And why do you hope by asking a random woman that she would help you rob a train?" Raya answered  angrily

Raya knew what big luck she had, but she couldn't trust them and would be an idiot if she immediately said yes.

"We wouldn't ask if we didn't knew who you are "Hellfire"." When Raya heard that he called her by her nickname she instinctly grabbed her revolver but was stopped by the elder man: "There is no need of an bloodbath here Miss." he calmly said
"So, do we have a deal?" the leader asked and stretched out his hand in the expectation that Raya would take it
Raya took his hand and asked: "But before we rob this train I want to know who you are."

"Of course, where are my manners." He made a short break and continued: "I am Dutch, Dutch Van der Linde."
Dutch introduced the other three men to Raya

The guy who approached Raya was called Micah Bell, the elder man who stopped her from killing them, introduced himself as Hosea Matthews and the middle-aged man who hasn't said anything was called Arthur Morgan.

"Arthur, show  Ms. Heart the way to our camp while we start the preparations for the robbery." Dutch commanded
"Follow me, Miss Heart." Arthur said to Raya and they both left the saloon. By the sound of his voice Raya knew immediately that Arthur had to be an English man.

When they got to the stables Raya's horse "Tuk Tuk" was already waiting for her. They saddled the horses and began riding to the gangs camp.

While riding to the camp Raya wrote a description of the four man. She didn't knew why she always had the desire of doing that every time she meets interesting people, but it calmed her down and let the time go by faster.

Dutch was wearing a black hat covering his black hair, a white shirt and a expensive black vest with an golden pocket watch in his pocket. On his feet he had elegant boots and black dress pants. But not only his outfit was elegant, even his revolver was made out of black metal with golden engravings. All in all, his outfit and beard made him more look like some businessman than a gang leader.

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