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I remembered my first day at the BAU, I never believed in love at first sight or whatever but man did those men give me butterflies like it was nothing. I obliviously never said anything, why would I? I eventually had grown close with Spencer, him and hung out a lot and he was by my side any time possible.

Bringing up the fact that bringing both make my heart speed up anytime I'm near them would ruin everything by that point so I tried shoving down those feelings. A comment from Emily stating that "bossman treats spence and I differently" really is where it started, even if I hadn't known it just quite yet.

"Wheels up in 30, Arizona is hot so pack light." Hotch said, standing up as he did so. "Sir yes sir!" I say jokingly and I noticed the small smile and nod he gave me before leaving. "It's gonna reach highs of 110 in Arizona. I checked." Rossi said, looking up from his phone, clearly not amused and a wave of groans fell over the conference room as we all left. As I placed my go bag on my desk, Spencer approached me with a cup of coffee, offering it to me in which I gratefully took with a smile. Him and I always took turns getting eachother coffee everyday. It's a sweet gesture.

"I figured might as well get a cup in, it'll be hot there I know I won't want to drink anything hot." He states and I took a sip, nodding in agreement. "It's a long ride there, maybe I can squeeze another cup in, doctor." I say with a playful wink and his face flushed and he nodded mumbling a "oh uh yeah maybe!" as he looked down. Spencer was always so easy to fluster, it was amusing really. He blushed over small things, but you can tell he liked it. He'd just never admit it.

"C'mon sweet boy, we got 5 minutes." I say while grabbing my bag and he nodded, walking besides me, his go bag in his hand as well. As we stepped into the elevator, right before it closed a hand stopped it and Hotch stood in, looking slightly out of breath. "Not like you to be late." I tease and he chuckled as he pressed the ground floor button. "I forgot my briefcase in my office, my go bag is already on the jet." He explains and I nod. "Need a drink?" I offer, holding my coffee out to him and he looked like he was gonna grab it before he held his hand up to deny it.

"No, I shouldn't. I already had two cups today." He says and I hum. "You drink black coffee and two to three cups is actually recommended a day by some medical professionals as coffee is packed with magnesium, potassium, manganese, vitamins B2, B3 and B5. It can also help fight heart disease and the deterioration of cells due to some cancers." Spencer spoke up and Aaron smiled fondly at the other man. I took notice of it. "Yeah and I know that," He starts while pointing to my cup. "Is packed with sugar." Hotch says and I fake gasp as the elevator doors opened.

"No!" I say as we all stepped out and Spencer giggled, like actually giggled. I looked at him with a smile and he returned it. "Oh it definitely is." Hotch teases as we made our way up the stairs of the jet. "Two teaspoons." I say and Aaron raised his eyebrows at me as he stopped walking momentarily. "Three." Spencer spoke up and I playfully nudged him and Hotch pointed to him with a nod before getting on the jet.

We all spread out, Derek was listening to music, JJ was talking on her phone probably with her kids, Emily was sat besides her shuffling cards, Rossi was already asleep probably preparing his body for the hellfire that was Arizonas weather. Spencer made his way to sit on the couch and I sat by myself away from everyone. Hotch was in his usual spot, and I watched as he took out a file. Usually we'd debrief but with long trips he usually waits an hour before we land to refresh our minds.

I drifted to sleep at some point and I woke up to someone touching my shoulder and I looked up to see Spencer and I watched as he settled down right next to me. "Y/n?" He asked and I hummed, blinking rapidly to try and wake myself up. "You looked lonely over here." He whispers and I rubbed at my eyes, sitting up straighter. "Is everyone asleep?" I ask, and he shook his head. "Hotch is still working on files. Do you want to go back to sleep?" He asks and I shrugged, unsure if I would be able to. Spencer nodded and wrapped an arm around me, guiding me to lay on his chest and I did, settling down. I closed my eyes, listening to his heart break softly within his chest.

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