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I knew in theory it really wasn't that big of a deal. All I had to do was just apologize and make it seem like I mean it even if I truly don't, which I obviously don't. It was the fact that the way she was looking at me was screaming "I'm gonna humiliate you as much as possible" and honestly I believed it to be true.

"Hey listen last night I think.. I think we both said and did things we didn't mean. Alcohol was involved and I don't think anyone was thinking rationally. It was wrong of me to throw my drink at you, no matter how I felt. I know I wouldn't want soda thrown in my face." I say, trying to sound as sincere as possible yet I noticed the smirk never left her face and I felt uncomfortable under her gaze, scooting closer to Aaron. Here we go, I have a funny little feeling this isn't gonna go well at all. I should've just let her press her stupid charges.

"I won't apologize for what I've said. I'm dropping the charges but it's not because you apologized to me." She says cockily and man if I didn't love my job I would've just decked her right then and there. I'd really give her a good reason to press charges on me. Aaron squeezed my thigh and I felt Spencer brush his shoe against my ankle from across from me, giving me a reassuring look. I smiled back at him with a nod. Though I could tell he was uncomfortable with how she was presenting herself verbally.

"Fine you want honesty? I'm not fucking sorry, you're a horrible person and you deserved it. You're a nasty homophobic whore who puts men down when they turn her down, rightfully so. Fuck you." I say harshly, dropping the fake smile I had on my face as I looked her up and down with raised eyebrows and Rossi stared with wide eyes and Aaron nudged me as a way of saying "shut up before you get yourself in trouble" but boy was I pissed. She has a lot of guts, really.

She just smirked, and put her palms on the table, as a way to intimidate me or something. We use those tactics when interrogating people, it wouldn't and won't work to scare me. I leaned forward, matching her energy as she stared at me, like she was waiting for me to go off on her again. "You might as well press charges because I'm not gonna humiliate myself. I know that's exactly what you want because you can't stand seeing someone who has more power than you telling you what to do or telling you off for acting like a grade A asshole." I say and she chuckle, smirking with a nod and leaned in closer.

"I've decided I don't want to press charges so I can do this." She says and she turned, walking away and I looked at everyone with furrowed eyebrows. "Y/n. You shouldn't have went off on her." Rossi says and I shrugged. "She deserved it. She's an entitled-" I got cut off by Spencer saying my name and when I looked at him, I noticed the lady approaching. A cup in her hand. Before I can react she splashed it in my face, smirking at me, waiting for a reaction. I knew what she was doing. She wanted me to get pissed and hit her so she can get me for assault and battery. No chance. I won't and refuse to give her that satisfaction. I'd rather die.

"Is that sprite?" I asked with raised eyebrows as the soda ran over my lips and I took a napkin to wipe it off my face calmly and her face dropped. "Lets go, out. Now." Aaron says pushing me gently from where I sat and the owner came over and started yelling at the lady to leave, Aaron and Rossi profusely apologized for the mess even though it wasn't our fault as we left. "Now I'm sticky." I say once we stepped outside. Rossi left to stop at a store down the street to get towels. Thankfully she didn't get it all over my clothes, it was mostly in my hair and my face which somehow pissed me off more.

"I don't like how you spoke to her but thank you for not punching her despite wanting to." Aaron says and I offer a smile. "At least now you don't have to worry about getting a lawyer." Spencer says, offering a soft smile. He looked kinda shaken up, he very much so hated confrontation. I would've hugged him if I didn't have drying sticky sprite all over me. Rossi returned with water and a towel and I did my best to wipe myself off, pouring water onto a part of the towel to get the sticky soda off my face and I ran water through the parts of my hair that had sprite in it. "This is bullshit never apologizing to someone like that ever again." I say as we got in the car.

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