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I woke up to the smell of breakfast at the sound of someone softly talking. I groaned a bit as I immediately felt the slight soreness in my body, smirking a bit to myself as I cuddled close to whoever I was pressed against. The talking continued and I furrowed my eyebrows, slowly opening my eyes. The smell of lavender and old books made it clear on who I was pressed against as I looked up. Spencer was reading to me, a book in hand as he read quietly. He glanced down at me when he noticed my movements, smiling before continuing on as he was.

About 20 minutes passed before Spencer spoke up, letting out a content sigh as he softly tightened his arm around me into a hug. "Good morning sweet baby." He whispered, pressing pressing kiss to the top of my head and I closed my eyes to savor it. "Mornin." I whisper back, rubbing my hand up and down his bare chest. I peaked over to the side of him and behind me, confused. "Where's Aaron?" I ask, my voice hoarse from sleeping and I swallowed in attempt to make it go away. "He insisted on making breakfast, I didn't want you to wake alone. Wanna go join him?" He asks and I nod, sitting up, holding the blanket up to cover myself as I did so.

"My clothes.." I trail off, noticing that the floor that was once covered in all our clothes was now fully clean. "In the washer, let's just steal his clothes that's what I'm gonna do." Spencer says shyly with a soft smile and I smiled at him, slightly nodding. "Here wait I wanna pick something for you." Spencer says, getting out of bed. I forgot he was naked as well and I felt my face turn hot as I stared at his bare ass as he went through Hotchs closet, oblivious to the fact that I was now hyper aware of his bare ass. Man I could get used to this.

"Here." He says, tossing two articles of clothing on the bed. A pair of boxers and a navy blue t shirt that had some old logo on it. I tilted my head as Spencer put on a pair of sweats, tightening the draw strings. "What? You'll look good, trust me." He says and I hum. "Oh uh wait, lay on your stomach." He says, walking over to me and I tilt my head. "Can we eat first..?" I ask and his face flushed red. " uhm not sex related.. you uh heh.. um, Hotch asked me to put lotion on your.. your.." Spencer studdered over his words nervously before he trailed off and I smiled when I realized. He gets so flustered so easily. I love it. I pulled the covers down, turning over to expose my still red ass. It did burn still, it'd probably hurt to sit for a few days.

I heard him rub his hands together before they met my ass, his hands were shaking a little bit as he gently rubbed the cool lotion over the red hot skin. I got the clothes he picked for me on after he finished and we both headed downstairs. "Morning sleepy heads." Hotch says teasingly as we entered the kitchen. He was making pancakes pancakes bacon, absolute sweetheart he is. "My ass is sore, Hotchner." I say jokingly, trying not to wince as I sat down and he looked at me amused with raised eyebrows before pointing the spatula at me playfully.

"Don't be such a bad girl then Y/n, good girls don't need to get spanked." He says teasingly, smirking at me and I let out a nervous chuckle, my face going red. Man would I never have thought to ever hear those words come from my bosses mouth, let alone to be directed at me. Hotch smiled as he turned around, breaking eye contact to flip a pancake. "Did you do as I asked sweetheart?" Hotch asked and Spencer hummed. "Yeah I did." He says with a nod and I leaned my head on Spencer's bare shoulder. I just now realized he hadn't put a shirt on. Huh. "Good boy, thank you I appreciate it dearly." Hotch says sincerely, he wasn't facing us but I could hear the smile in his voice, and it made me softly smile myself. I never would've expected him to be such a huge sweetheart. Yet he is.

After a few moments, we ate, talking amongst ourselves as we did so. I volunteered to do the dishes since he cooked, ushering them out of the kitchen to go watch tv. Halfway through doing them there was a knock on the door and I turned the water off, going into the living room. "Aaron?" Rossi's voice was clear on the other side of the door as he knocks again and Spencer looked panicked, eyes darting between Hotch and I and Hotch and I looked at eachother. "Spence, upstairs c'mon." I whisper softly gesturing for him to come over and they both stood up, Hotch heading for the door as I dragged Spencer upstairs, back into the bedroom.

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