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The next week and a half Spencer was very much so out of it. Poor sweetheart could barely get out of bed, and had a steady 101.4 fever after we got it down from the high one. During lunch break we'd check on him, force him to drink some fluids and eat a little bit but we weren't too worried about him doing stuff he shouldn't while we were gone at work. Once the high fever went down, his delirium went away along side it. He just slept most of the time, which was good because that's what the doctor recommended for him to do. I felt helpless and I could tell Aaron felt the same way. At least he hadn't been dying though, we were both really extremely thankful for that.

On the tenth day of him being bed ridden it was nice to show up and see that he was out and about when we got home from work. "Oh look who's up? How are you feeling darling?" Aaron asked, closing the door behind him as I shook off my coat. Spencer sleepily looked over from where he was sat on the floor, a book in his hand. "Mm, my head doesn't feel like it's gonna explode right now so I'm reading. Feel better than I have been." He mumbled, voice hoarse with sick. "Can I make you some soup baby? Chicken noodle?" I ask, kneeling down to sit beside him and immediately he cuddled up into my side, looping one arm around my own as he kept his book steady steady his other hand.

"Broccoli and cheddar?" He suggested softly and I looked over at Aaron with a smile and he in turn laughed. "Will you eat it?" I ask and Spencer nodded eagerly. "Mm kinda hungry honestly. Which is good." He says softly and I pressed a kiss to his temple, moving his hair out of his face. "Take a shower before you eat okay? You're all sweaty." I say softly as I caressed his face gently and he nodded weakly, offering a closed mouth smile. "Think my fevers going back up?" He asked, glancing up behind me at Aaron before looking at me. "The doctor said that can happen. I'll get you some medicine for it honey. Then I'll help you shower cmon." Aaron says, helping Spencer stand who whined in protest as he closed his book and tossed it on the couch.

"Your soup will be waiting for you when you get back, I'll make it now." I say and he softly nodded as Aaron guided him to get medicine before heading to the bathroom. I figured that broccoli and cheddar soup couldn't be too difficult to make by scratch, I mean, there really wasn't much to the soup to begin with. And within 30 minutes I had a pretty kickass soup made and as I was setting the table up, my boys came from the bathroom, Spencer in new pajamas with slightly damp hair and I took notice of the huge water stain on the front Aaron's button up and raised my eyebrows.

"He splashed water at me to try and see through my shirt because I wouldn't take it off." Aaron said with a chuckle, smiling as he said it and Spencer goofily grinned at me with a shrug as he sat down. "I can't blame him honestly." I say and Aaron playfully rolled his eyes as he sat down as well. "Frisky, frisky, frisky both of you. Tsk." Aaron says jokingly and I couldn't help but laugh and Spencer took a bite of his soup and slowly shrugged, wide eyed and Aaron kinda smirked playfully at him. "Well I mean, he was sick for almost about two weeks, kinda has an excuse." I say and Aaron nodded.

"Wait you guys had sex without me?" Spencer asks, looking between us and I covered my mouth as I held back a laugh. The way he said it was way too funny. "Twice." I managed to get out without laughing and Spencer pouted a bit. "Sweetheart, you were so delirious and out of it. You couldn't consent even if you wanted to." Aaron says softly and Spencer said a small "oh" as he ate another spoonful of soup. "This is really good." He says, changing the subject and I had to bit my bottom lip to hold back a laugh as I nodded. "Thank you." I say and Aaron shot me a look. "I'm gonna go get drinks." I say, hurrying off to the kitchen before I let myself burst into a fit of laughter. It wasn't funny but at the same time it so was.

I made Spencer a hot chocolate, getting water for Aaron and I. "You upset him." Aaron says when I returned and I noticed the slight pout of Spencer's face as he stared at his soup. "Baby boy. Hey." I say softly, placing his mug in front of him, handing Aaron his glass. "I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing more so at the topic and how randomly it was brought up. Hey there's all the time in the world to have sex alright? You just need to get better." I say and he looked up at me from where he was sitting with a slight pout.

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