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" What a nice weather to shoot someone ."

I thought , my hands and feathers tingling with anticipation.

It was a breezy but still sunny September morning.

I landed my bare feet on the road ,
with sound of my feathers shutting close .

With a thump , I sat down on the meadow ,  putting my quiver full of arrows and bow on my right .

I put my palms on soft lush grass on both side of me and inhaled the smell of grass and flowers deeply .

It felt soothing after a long journey from heaven.

I started scanning passerbys on the road for my targets.

On my left , I saw a couple coming with intertwined hands and a white daisy tucked behind right ear of the wrinkled woman , with equally wrinkled man smiling at her fondly , both walking slowly .

They don't need the shooting. I thought with a smile.

I looked above their heads at heart shaped red bubble with golden letters waving slowly inside it , which no human could see , which read , '60 years of love. '

" impressive . ! " I thought , lifting my right eyebrow involuntarily.

Hearing a squicky sound , I turned my neck to look on my right , at source of the sound.

A young brunette in grey hoodie and dark blue jeans soiled at one knee , was pushing a blue coloured baby stroller which was making the squicky noises , her gaze absent mindedly in front of her with a frown in her eyebrows.

I read the spherical red bubble with golden letters waving inside it over her head ,
' Age 20 , single mother since 8 months '

No wonder , she was looking so dejected .

I sighed looking at her.

She could use a little love , I thought .

Picking up my pink bow and arrow having a pink heart shaped tip , I stood up.

With my head tilted to right, I stretched the bow with arrow and striked her heart in one shot.

As the pink coloured heart tip of my arrow contacted with her heart , her eyes widened for a split second with pause in her walking .

Then a second later , she resumed her walking with her frown resuming too , as if nothing had happened .

"Yes ." I smiled , my left fist pumping in air , bow and quiver hanging on my right shoulder .

Now I just have to find a suitable partner for her and I will be done for this month.

Suddenly , I heard ,
" Damn shoelaces ! Why you always get untied so easily !" Saying this , the young mother in grey hoodie stopped in her track and bent down to tie her shoelaces , leaving the stroller .

Just then , a strong current of wind blew , pushing the baby stroller few metres ahead ,
which started gaining speed due to slight slope on the road.

By the time the girl realised what was happening, it was about 10 metres ahead and going speedily towards the main road .

I could hear honks and rumbling sounds of cars continously from the main road.

The mother started sprinting towards the stroller shouting , " somebody help my baby ! Please ! My baby !" her face as white as a chalk .

Panickingly , I also searched for some human to help her , the old couple have crossed her way long before and I could not see even a single fly in that park ...

Ah ! Just that moment , I spotted a human , a tall young man, he had just turned from main road footpath to this track.

Lazy steps with his hands in front pockets of his black hoodie , face covered with the hood , looking down .

At this commotion, he looked up , a lit cigarette in his mouth , towards the stroller coming at him with high speed .

That man will be able to save the baby.
I exhaled the breathe , I didn't know I was holding.

He just looked at the stroller , blank expression on face and moved aside and continued in his path without even glancing back at the crying voice from stroller.

Me and the brunette mother were shocked.

The mother shouted , " please mister , stop that stroller . " He paid no heed and continued walking slowly with head down.

Enough is enough.

With a jump , I became airborne and soared to that man , my white feathers fluttering fast .

When I came in shooting range ,
I shot at him with similar pink heart tipped arrow .

My reflexes are no joke.

That man looked up , hood falling down on his back.

His eyes widened for a split second and then he looked at the girl running towards him at a distance for a moment.

And then..

he turned around .

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