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Keiji's POV

When I drove back towards Shoya's work I had this knot in the pit of my stomach. What if he doesn't need to go to work tomorrow and he decides to follow me? Many other questions were swirling around in my mind that I couldn't ignore.

"Keiji!" exclaimed Shoya with an angered expression on his face. "Sorry, Sho I was in deep thought. What is it?"

"I asked if we could stop at the store to get some food. We don't have anything to eat back at the apartment." wined Shoya. I guess he is right, we haven't been to the store in a while.

"Sure that sounds like a good idea." I turned onto another road that leads us to the grocery store, a shorter route. As I was driving I started making a mental list of the things we need to get at the store and the amount of money we have. One of the perks of a multitasker.

We got to the store, and Shoya and I went our separate ways with the list of things we want and need to get. I was browsing the aisles when I heard a familiar voice coming from the next aisle over, so I went to check it out.

"Lev hurry up we need to get home soon, our kids are waiting with the sitter" said Yaku. I walked over to them still wondering when in the world did they have or adopt kids already. Yaku looked towards me and his face lit up, probably almost as bright as Lev's.

"Oh my gosh! Hey Akasshi, I haven't seen you since college!" exclaimed Yaku. Lev grabbed the thing he needed from the shelf and joined Yaku.

"I've been doing fine. So, you guys have kids?"

"Yes we do! You should come over sometime to meet them. Kuroo already has' ' said Yaku.

"I'll consider it." I was about to walk away when Yaku called out again. "Hey are you going to the MSBY volleyball game happening tomorrow?" I looked around to make sure Shoya wasn't around. "Yeah with Kuroo and Kenma." Yaku gave me a questionable expression then asked, "Are you being followed by someone Akaashi? You were looking around before you answered me" I shook my head and told him not to worry about it. "I'll see you tomorrow".

That was a close one. I walked around the store to find Shoya to see if he's done getting what he needs. I turn the corner to see him kissing another girl. I backed away and was heartbroken. I stayed where I was out of view from them and tried to hear what they were talking.

"Are you still dating that Keiji guy?" asked the girl Shoya is with. "Yeah he's such a pushover though, he can't stand up for himself even if he wanted to," said Shoya.

I was fuming with anger from what I was hearing but he wasn't wrong. I can't stand up for myself at all because of my low-self esteem. I wanted to just leave Shoya at the store and drive away but I knew that "our" place was within walking distance even without a car to drive you there.

To: Kuroo Tetsurou

From: Akaashi Kejij

Keiji: What are you doing tonight?

Kuroo: Just hanging out at home with Kenma you know the usual. What's up? Do you and Shoya want to come over?

I physically cringed when I read Shoya's name.

Keiji: No.. I was wondering if I could come over alone. I need someone to talk to..

Kuroo: Oh..

Kuroo: Yeah sure I'll keep an eye out for you.

Keiji: Thank you, I'll text you when I get there.

Kuroo: Alright see you around!

What a terrible day has this become. I reluctantly look back and now the girl is gone. I walk towards Shoya wearing my casual face. "Hey are you done looking for your things?" Shoya nodded and we checked out in silence. Throughout the whole car ride home we sat in silence. "So, what do you want for dinner?" Shoya looked at me with a blank expression. "I'm going out with some of my friends. I called earlier when we parted our ways," said Shoya. I nodded and focused my attention on the road again.

Later that night Shoya left like he said he was going to and left me alone. I packed up a duffle bag with clothes along with my work stuff locking the door to the apartment and left the building in silence. I got to Kuroo and Kenma's place that was in the suburbs. I texted Kuroo that I was there and he opened the door, his smile fading as he saw the bag I was carrying. He let me in and I sat on their couch. Kenma was upstairs doing his livestream and probably would be at it for a while.

"So, what did you want to talk about Keiji," said Kuroo, eyeing my bag nonchalantly. I let out a sigh and told Kuroo everything... "I saw Shoya kissing another girl and when she asked him about me he said I wasn't capable of standing up for myself. I'm furious but really upset about the matter and I don't know what to do now because I don't want him to be living with me anymore but I'm scared that he's going to find a way to hurt me..." I wasn't really confessing anymore. I was rambling not noticing the tears streaming down my face because of the sudden turn of events. I only noticed when Kuroo's face looked like he was really concerned. He got up and hugged me. "It's ok, we'll figure this out. And for Shoya, he won't lay a finger on you ok Keiji?" said Kuroo in a serious tone. I nodded and hugged him back. "It's ok to cry if you want to, don't be ashamed about being upset about this Keiji," said Kuroo in a more comforting voice. I don't know why, but I seemed to always feel a close connection towards Kuroo. I know that we are good friends but he's like a big brother.

After a long talk with Kuroo it was getting late and I said that I should be going soon. Kuroo said that I should stay the night because he was worried about me going back to Shoya without another person there. So, here I am sitting in their guest room. It was a quarter past 12 and I was getting tired so I put my work stuff away and went to sleep.

The next day I woke up and left the room I was sleeping in and found Kuroo sitting in the living room. To the looks of it he was reading a book. I sat down and looked out the window while thinking about how I'm going to tell Shoya why I wasn't home when he got home. If he even went home after he saw his friends. "Good morning Keiji," said Kuroo, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Oh good morning Kuroo." We started to have a conversation when I heard my phone ring. I picked up my phone and saw Shoya's name on my screen. I sighed  and answered the phone and as soon I was connected to the caller I was blasted with Shoya's yelling.. "Where the hell are you?! I came home around 12 and you weren't there! Are you at some girl's house cheating or something?! I can't believe you would do that! You fag! You dirty little shit!" I didn't have any words, my hand was shaking while holding my phone up to my ear. Kuroo got up and walked towards me with a pissed off look on his face. He grabbed my phone and started cursing Shoya off. I left the room eventually because this whole thing was giving me a headache.

"Keiji..? You ok? You look overwhelmed..." said Kenma as he walked into my room. I scooted over so he could sit down. "I got a call from Shoya and he started to yell at me. Eventually Kuroo got mad and started cursing him off. "Oh.." said Kenma. I like how Kenma is a good listener with no judgement. He just listens in silence.

A few more minutes go by and me and Kenma are doing our thing when Kuroo walks in. "Come on. We need to go get your stuff from your apartment until we figure this out," said Kuroo. "But that's my apartment." I said in a bit of an angered tone. "Shoya threatened to throw away all your stuff so we need to get there before he does," said Kuroo as he was walking towards us. "Fine but one way or another I need that guy out of my apartment. He doesn't pay for anything," I said as I walked out the door.

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