Chapter Two

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"How'd the meeting go?"

Damian glanced up from the notes in front of him and frowned at Tim, who was hovering in his office doorway. A vein ticked in his jaw, and Damian turned back to his notes, ignoring his half-sibling. Tim, in spite of what he may have said about himself, could be just as nosy as Dick. And sometimes twice as persistent.

Damian feigned ignorance towards his question, and shuffled through the papers in front of him. "With the manufacturers in Taiwan? Fine. We're on track to complete the shipment of new microchips before we were expecting them. We'll be able to actually exceed the expected completion by several months, and then-"

"Not what I asked." Tim cut him off, casually shoving his hands in his pockets as he stepped into Damian's office without invitation. "How'd everything go with your wedding planner? Did she give you a laundry list of frivolous things to approve?"

Damian's lips twitched and he reached for the cup of now-cooled tea in front of him. "My meeting went fine."

"Oh?" Tim sat down in the plush chair across from Damian's desk, leveling a curious stare. "Just fine? Your heart isn't all a pitter-patter with the process?"

Damian gave him a deadpan look and turned back to his meeting notes, ignoring the jibe. "It's a ceremony. Decisions are being made in accordance with what needs to be made. What else would you like me to say?"

"Oh, stop." Tim rolled his eyes and leaned back into the chair. "If you make it sound any more romantic and saccharine, I might actually go into a sugar rush." He paused and shifted, as if weighing a question in his head. "I heard Emiko is going to be in Paris for the duration of your engagement? That seems a little frustrating."

Damian caught the note of question in Tim's voice and he looked up. "Are you indicating that I am not capable of handling wedding decisions on my own? That I need Emiko to sign off on every decision I make?"

Tim shrugged. "No. But it seems a bit strange to have you make these decisions without the input of the bride."

"That's why we're paying an absolutely ridiculous amount of money for the wedding planner." Damian let go of an annoyed snort. "And I fail to see how it matters to you. I doubt you'll even be invited."

Tim ignored the empty threat and sighed, and just like that, the mood turned serious in the office. Damian lifted an eyebrow, waiting for him to talk. Once Tim felt like he needed to make a statement, there was no stopping him, regardless of how asinine his thoughts were. And Damian had a good feeling that whatever he was going to say was going to be intensely asinine.

"You don't have to marry her."

Damian didn't let his emotions show on his face. Love wasn't something he was particularly concerned with. A marriage between a Queen and a Wayne would be beneficial to both parties involved, love wasn't necessary. "I am aware. However, it's an acceptable match. It will strengthen the companies' bond, and-"

Tim sighed, seeming exhausted with the conversation. "Yeah, but you don't love her, Dami."

He bristled at the nickname. "I fail to see how that's relevant."

Tim blanched, and his head fell into his hands in exasperation. "You can't be serious, Damian. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but it is the 21st century. You're not obligated to do whatever Bruce tells you to do. You're allowed to say no, and maybe even marry for love."

"I am aware of that as well. Although I don't see how it matters." Damian's head tilted to the side and he stared at his brother, his lips twitching. Tim meant well and had the best intentions, he knew that. But, it didn't mean that he was right either. Damian didn't feel one way or the other about love as it related to his current marriage, and telling him he should 'marry for love' seemed ridiculous. This was a beneficial match, and he didn't mind his bride-to-be. "Emiko is a fine woman - smart, capable, clever - and we get along just fine. I don't see how I need anything more than that."

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