Chapter Seven

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Raven wanted one day where it didn't rain in Gotham. Just one. Honestly, she didn't think it was that tall of an order. She stood underneath the overhang of her shop, staring up into the downpour that was flooding the streets around her. Of all the days to forget her damn umbrella. With an annoyed sigh she stepped out onto the sidewalk and immediately became drenched right down to her bones. Joy.


She jerked and turned to find Damian peering at her from inside a very expensive looking foreign car. His eyes swept the length of her before he met her stare again, and Raven felt her heart do something strange in her chest. It had been more than two weeks since their impromptu late-night meeting at his flat, and her head was filled with all the things he had said to her. She was almost ashamed to admit that their conversation still haunted every moment of her day.

"Mr. Wayne. I... ah..." She felt at a loss for words, and the rain pounding around them didn't help her find any. Swallowing a breath, she looked into his face and forced a small smile, ignoring the chill from the rain that poured down on her. "What are you doing here?"

Before he could respond, a black snout shoved past his head and stared at Raven, letting go of a single, happy bark. She laughed and reached out to pet the top of Titus' head, scratching him behind the ears.

"Hello to you too, Titus."

"Don't spoil him. He'll get a big head and start demanding even more from me." Damian's words held no bite, and he pushed Titus back, shaking his head. "My visit is two-fold." He paused and there was a crack of lightning above them, making Raven jump. Damian looked a little guilty and he nodded to the door behind her. "Let's talk inside, if you don't mind. I'd rather you didn't catch cold out here."

With that, he stepped out and let Titus out of the car. Titus trotted up to Raven, who scratched him behind the ears again, and he let out a little noise of appreciation. She waited until Damian was next to her before turning and opening the door to the shop. "Come on in. I was done for the day anyway, so there's no one inside."

"I'm sorry for making you open the store back up." Damian ran his fingers through his rain-slicked hair, and Raven couldn't help but think that he was far too good looking for his own good. His eyes seemed brighter than normal, and there was just a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. For a moment, Raven found herself thinking she could stare at him all day.

"It's fine. It's not like I have a life to get back to anyway." She thought of her empty one bedroom apartment and the pile of take out menus on the counter. Bending over, Raven twisted rain water from her hair and as she glanced down, she could see her dark navy bra show through her wet t-shirt. Great. Just what she needed to show to her client. Ignoring it, she looked back into Damian's face. "So, what can I help you with? You said your visit was two-fold?"

"Ah..." Damian scratched at his jaw. "Titus now seems to prefer your treats to anything I buy him." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "He's becoming spoiled, but... I wanted to see if I could get some of the dog treats you make."

"That I can definitely help with." She bent down and pet Titus again, after he had settled between the two of them. "Especially for such a good boy."

Damian scoffed. "Don't encourage him."

Raven laughed and stood back up, meeting Damian's expression. "And what else were you here for?"

"I need to have another contract written up to include dessert for the rehearsal dinner." He cringed. "As it turns out, the caterer has the worst desserts I have ever tasted. Their food is phenomenal, but they obviously haven't had an opportunity to hire a dedicated pastry chef. And since I'm going to be entertaining important guests that evening, I should at least have something remotely edible for dessert."

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