Chapter Five

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Raven was all but dead to the world when her phone rang its jingling, peppy tune that she kept forgetting to change. Fumbling next to her bedside table, she picked up her phone and answered without looking at the screen.

"Hello?" She forced herself to sit up in her bed and stared at the clock next to her. She felt a flame of anger flare in her chest as she struggled to regain consciousness. Who in the world was calling her at one in the morning? Didn't people know she had to get up in three hours to start her day? Raven pushed at her hair and heard the unmistakable click of a computer keyboard on the other line.

"Miss Roth."

Oh for fuck's sake...

Her head fell into her hands and she let go of a deep breath, debating with herself as to whether or not the money from this cake was worth the eccentricities of Damian Wayne. "Mr. Wayne. To what do I owe the untimely wake up call?"

"I have some concerns over my choice for the cake." His voice was sharp, as if it was a normal afternoon and he had a simple request that she could fill easily. He paused and there was the creak of leather, as if he were leaning back in a chair. "I'd like to discuss some other options with you."

"And you thought that one in the morning was the time to address those concerns?" Raven dug the heel of her palm into her forehead, barely biting back a curse. Yes, the money was worth it, at least for right now. In eight months time, this would all be over and she would never have to deal with him again. She ignored the twist of her heart at that thought.

"I'm a very busy man, Miss Roth." He huffed out an annoyed breath, as if he wasn't used to hearing people talk back to him. Good. He needed to be knocked down a few pegs every now and again.

"So you've told me." Raven leaned back against her pillows, looking out into the darkness of her room. A brief pause fell over them, and Raven couldn't help but feel like there was something strangely intimate about this moment - the two of them talking in hushed tones while the rest of the world slept. She shifted her legs under her covers, making herself comfortable again. "So, what can I do for you?"

The typing on the other end stopped, and Damian let go of a low breath. "You said once that you'd make house calls for the right price."

Raven leaned her head back against her headboard and let go of a bark of laughter, feeling like this whole situation was transforming from annoying to comical. What kind of world did she live in where she was seriously considering letting Damian Wayne boss her around and make her cove see him in the middle of the night - to taste cake? She felt foolish for even thinking about it, but... the money would be good.

"Yes, I did." She paused and shifted her phone against her ear, knowing exactly where this conversation was headed. "Are you asking me to come make a house call at one in the morning, Mr. Wayne?"

"Damian." He corrected, his tone both sharp and soft at the same time, like it was both a request and a demand. "You can call me Damian. And yes, I am. If you're up for making additional fees on your contract, and you don't mind coming to my house at one in the morning-" His tone turned almost teasing. "-then I would like to ask you to make a house call."

"Of course." Raven sighed and swung her legs over the side of her bed, setting her feet on the floor. She could not believe she was actually going to go ahead and do this. She was actually letting Damian Wayne have his way. "I have a few of our specialty flavors at the shop. Give me a little time to run to the shop and pick them up - and grab some coffee - and I'll be at your house. Just text me the address."

"Of course." He paused and there was a sudden tension between them. She could hear him take a slow breath, as if something about this interaction put a strain on him. "Thank you."

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