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The salty tears cascaded down my cheeks, my heart feeling as if it had just been ripped out. I felt devastated. I knew shouldn't be feeling like this because I now understood why we had felt this way in such a short amount of time— but I couldn't help it. My emotions for her felt so intense, it drove me crazy.

"Did she only 'remove' Susie's feelings, or mine as well?"

I couldn't help but wonder as I watched her begin to move towards me once more, any trace of affection she had for me before now gone. Maybe that's why I'm still feeling this way. The cruel bitch wanted this. She wanted me to hurt. For us to hurt, all for her deranged entertainment.

Letting out a determined growl, she lunges straight for me, her weapon raised and ready to violently slash and tear through my flesh. Though I try to dash out of the way, her attack misses but she still barrels into me, sending us both falling backwards. I let out an alarmed shriek as we crash into the hard stone. I gasp for air as she quickly repositions herself on top of me and pins down my left arm by the wrist— the other one pinned by her elbow digging down into my bicep, her harsh grasp on my wrist causing a sharp pain to shoot up my arm. I whimper in pain and she lets out a wicked chuckle.

Her weapon had been knocked out of her grasp by the impact of us fallen, and lay a few feet away from us. I frantically try to wiggle free, to try and get her off of me, but all it does is enrage her more and cause her to squeeze my ribs with her thighs and tighten her grip around my wrists. It was getting harder to breathe. She gradually leans down low, moving close to the side of my face to the point her hair tickles my cheek. Once her lips brush across my ear she whispers.

"I'm not letting you go so easily, little mouse. But you can beg me to make this quick."

My breathing became shaky and even more shallow as I shivered. I finally managed to jerk the arm that was pinned by her elbow free and attempt to hastily push her away, but my hand slips and roughly makes contact with her face.

A clattering noise follows as her mask falls off, landing on the ground next to us. I hear her breath catch in her throat as she kept her face angled towards her fallen mask, her hair partly covering the side of her face that would've been visible to me.

Her breathing got heavy as her body shook.

"How.. fucking dare you!"

She snarled, whipping her face towards mine, her nose mere centimeters from my own. We both froze as I stared at her face, the mask no longer hiding it from me.

Freckles were scattered across her nose and cheek bones, her eyebrows thick and a deep shade of brown. Her long eyelashes framed her eyes that looked like sea glass as the moonlight reflected off of them.

They were wide. I could see what looked to be fear in them. Or maybe I was just misreading her and imagining things. Maybe she already severely wounded me and I was bleeding out, and beginning to have sweet hallucinations.


I breathed out, my eyes wide in awe as I couldn't help but stare at the girl in front of me.

She was beautiful.

"Susie! Finish her off like a good little pet, hm?"

The entity sneered from somewhere within the darkness, but neither of us bothered to look for the source of her voice. Neither of us broke the stare.

"{Y/N}... I..."

Before she could continue speaking a bright flash of light appears between us, forcing me to close my eyes from the sheer brilliance of it.

Feral Frenzy || Susie x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now