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We stayed like that for awhile, even after her crying stopped and turned into slow, even breathing. This sitting position began to get uncomfortable, so I slowly eased our bodies backwards until we were laying down, Susie still fast asleep on top of me. I gently turn her face so that her cheek rests on my shoulder, most of her face now visible to me.

She looked so peaceful.

I hoped she was having good dreams, she didn't need to put up with anymore nightmares. She already had to live in one, shouldn't she at least have her sleep allow her to feel at ease? Something to allow her to escape her fucked up reality? Our fucked up reality?

I exhaled softly, cautiously bringing a hand up to gently trace her face with the tips of my fingers, being careful as to not wake her up. She felt so soft and warm, my face immediately heats up at the realization that this was all real. Having her this close made me nervous, I was terrified that the pounding of my heart would somehow wake her up.

"Isn't this what you wanted?"

I thought, remembering the times I imagined seeing her, touching her. Now she's right here. Asleep on top of me.

And I was awake. I wasn't just dreaming that we were together. She was really here.

I felt slightly tired, but I feared sleep as I didn't want to wake up somewhere else. I felt like being asleep made me vulnerable, made it easier for the Entity to reach me. I didn't want sleep. What I wanted was to savor this moment for as long as it lasted; to burn every passing second deep into my mind so the memory would always stay fresh.

"I think I'm actually in love with you."

I whispered softly, my heart aching for us to just be able to be with each other in normal circumstances. Where she didn't have to kill the people I saw as friends, where I didn't have to get stabbed and fear for the wounds I would end up with—regardless of the fact that I couldn't truly die.

A place where we could just be okay.

I realized my finger tips were resting on her lips when I felt a soft pressure against them, and I blink, pulling myself back into the present moment.

Susie looked up at me with tired eyes, her lips against my fingertips as she cupped her hand over mine, pressing my fingers further into her lips as she kissed me.

Well, kissed my hand. But my hand was still apart of me, and she was kissing it.

Susie kissed my hand.

A smile slowly spreads across my lips as my heart began to race.

"I didn't know you were awake."

I murmured and she hums in response, slowly moving my hand to rest on her cheek as it had been before, her thumb rubbing small circles on the back of my hand as she kept her hand over mine.

We stayed there unmoving, unsure of what to do now. My gaze kept nervously darting down to her lips, then back to her eyes. My gaze holds as she slowly bit her bottom lip, then slowly makes its way back to her eyes.


She murmurs, still holding her gaze steadily locked onto my own. My cheeks redden once I notice her cheeks had also taken on a soft rose color, causing my heart to beat much faster than it already was. She moves her other hand so that she can slip it behind my neck, slowly tugging me in closer. I feel her fingers gently working their way into my hair and the sensation sends a pleasant shiver shooting down my spine.

Our lips were so close, close to the point they could brush together with the smallest movement, her breath gently fanning across my face as we stay both stay almost inhumanely still, not moving closer until one of us chooses to close this distance.

And I did.

At least, I almost did, if not for the fact the doors to the library slammed open, causing us to jump back from each other in surprise and scoot away to separate couch cushions. I felt the gentle circles still being traced on my hand and smiled as we watched as a strange man stomped into the library, seemingly oblivious to our presence.

"Of course that idiot would be the one to do something so careless! Bringing two of Her playthings right into our hiding spot. Stupid, stupid..."

The man muttered as he crouched down by one of the bookshelves, and Susie leans back in to me, her lips at my ear as she loudly whispered.

"I think we're the stupid playthings."

I choked back a laugh, and our little conversation caught the man's attention as he whipped around to face us, the shock that lit up on his face quickly being replaced by embarrassment.

"Apologies. I wasn't aware that... you two were in here."

He muttered out and turned back around to look through the books on one of the lower shelves, clearly looking for a specific one.

"So you mean you would still be shit talking our 'stupid stupid' selves if you weren't here."

Susie said flatly while making air quotes with her fingers, all emotion drained from her face as she looked dead serious at the man. At that, he looks over his shoulder at us and his face pales once he sees her face.

"I—er... I didn't mean it like—"

Susie cuts the stuttering man off with a laugh, the serious expression instantly vanishing.

"You should've seen your face! I hope I didn't make you didn't shit yourself."

My eyes widen and I purse my lips, not knowing if I should laugh with her or feel bad for the stranger.

"Well Susie, that's not a very nice way to talk to the man who knows every detail of your past." His gaze switches to me as Susie's laugher ceases. "And you... you're {Y/N}."

He stands back up, seemingly studying us. I didn't like the way the air around us suddenly changed and felt tense; it made me shiver slightly with unease as we stared right back, our faces probably full of confusion.

"Okay, joke's over dickhead. Who the hell are you?"

Susie turned hostile quickly, getting up off the couch and standing as well, glaring daggers into him. He sighs and takes a small step away from the bookshelf.

Without another word, he lifts his arm and makes some sort of waving motion with his hand, then turns his hand so his palm faces the ceiling. Out of nowhere, a strange mechanism that looks like an eye is floating above his palm, the glowing metallic center of the device that looked like a pupil spinning slowly.

"I'm the Observer. Vigo might've talked about me or at least mentioned me."

i wrote this kinda quickly because i had motivation for once and didn't wanna lose it so, sorry for any weird typos. i'm gonna go back and probably edit some old chapters before posting anything newer :p

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