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"Wait so you mean that.. worst case in scenario, all of her friends can just waltz in here like she did?" Nea said slowly, raising her eyebrow in a questioning matter at Susie, who seems paler than usual after her inquiry. The rest of survivors who hadn't been present for the start of the conversation had joined, gathering to witness the scene unfolding— some keeping their distance, while some had chose to stand closer with curious expressions on their face. Susie opened her mouth slightly as if she were about to reply, but closes it abruptly and glances off to the side, confusion pooling in her gaze.

"She's as clueless as the rest of us."

I thought, furrowing my brows, frustrated that everyone who gathered had their accusing eyes fixated on the girl next to me. I sharply breathe in and let it out in a loud huff, immediately coming to Susie's defense.

"It's not like she meant for this to happen! Instead of pointing fingers at her, let's at least try use our brains to realize who the only one capable of something like this is."

The words gushed out from my mouth more aggressively than intended, Nea's eye twitching at my slight outburst. Claudette, grimacing, takes a few steps back from Nea as she seems to already expect what is going to happen. Nea grits her jaw and steps forward, a mean glare fixing itself onto her face.

"Really? Use our brains? What are you trying to—"

"That's enough, Nea. Go cool off."

Dwight cut her off before she could go on her angry rant. He had made his way back to the front of the group at some point without us noticing. Nea's head snaps towards him, looking as if she were about to protest his request. Dwight purses his lips and gives her a stern look, and with that she simply rolls her eyes, shoulder checking him as she stormed off. Looking exasperated at the moody woman's attitude, he turns to us, his eyes barren of any accusation. He then turns his head slightly to the crowd behind him.

"I know all of you are scared and worried, but don't smother us, please. Return to your normal activities," he pauses, then looks at Jeff and David. "I'd like you two to watch the gate and alert us if anything else... peculiar happens. Everyone else, go find something else to do."

Dwight announced loudly and waves the rest off as David and Jeff come forward, uttering a quiet greeting to Susie and I as they pass, and begin getting themselves situated at the entrance. I watch as they glance over at Susie a few times, their caution evident.

"I guess we can't blame them."

I thought, hearing some incoherent grumbling as the group behind Dwight disperses, and I turn my head to watch the retreating survivors who had begun talking amongst themselves. I can't help but wonder if they think I have somehow betrayed them, and my heart sinks.

From the corner of my eye I notice Claudette's eyes had locked onto Susie, who is completely oblivious to her gaze. Claudette's eyes move to mine, her face reddening in embarrassment at being caught staring so intensely. I couldn't make out the look on her face, and before I could even try to she ducks her head and turns away, hurriedly joining the rest of the people who had went back into the camp.

All but Ash— who decides to join the two men by the gate, Dwight simply nodding his approval as Ash passes by the three of us.

He beckons us to follow him, and we find a quiet corner that was away from camp while still being able to keep the gate in our sight. We sit down on cut log that served as an uncomfortable bench, and all is silent as Dwight's face falls into his hands. After a few moments, lets out a sigh, dropping his hands to his knees as he looks up to us.

"I have no clue what to do."

He simply states, a blank expression on his face. Susie and I remain quiet as he gathers his thoughts. He brings his thumb to his mouth and began biting the skin on the sides of his nail as he frowns. I glance to Susie, resting my hand on her thigh. She doesn't react, and I feel a tinge of hurt before quickly brushing it off, realizing this situation is probably more confusing to her than anybody else.

"What if there is truth to Nea's question? Nobody has ever died in the camp before, so what happens if the killers do flood the gates and go on a rampage? Do we die for good this time? Is this all going to be over?"

He sounded almost.. hopeful? At the thought of that possibility being the end, and I didn't blame him. I couldn't— after all, wasn't he the first human taken? Hasn't he been trapped here for years, undergoing various tortures for years on end? Sorrow for the man churned inside me, yet I felt as if a feeble 'sorry' wasn't a good thing to say at the moment.

"You do have a point, though, {Y/N}. There is only one being who is capable of causing all of this, I know uh... your friend here, isn't powerful enough to do this— no offense to you," Dwight quickly added in, and I see a slight smile make its way onto Susie's lips. I run a hand through my hair and stare at the fire burning in the distance.

"I know they're just scared. But so is she. We all are."

I say, looking Dwight in the eyes and he smiles sadly. Susie lets out a sigh, lifting her head and finally putting her hand over mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I move my gaze from Dwight to her, and before any of us could get a word out, we hear yelling.

At once, all of our heads snap to look at the gate, and from here, we can see the three men angrily speaking, their sole attention being the gate. From the angle we were at, we could not see inside of it, much less who they were yelling at. Chills run down my spine, all the possibilities rapidly going through my mind.

"Who's on the other side?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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