Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Standing on top of a skyscraper, Deku observed all the people below. Only a year after the war with the Paranormal Liberation Front and everyone's lives were going on, as if nothing happened. It was how it should be, the peace and faith in heroes returning after they defeated Shigaraki and All for One.

He was the one that achieved it, he was the one who ended the centuries old war between All for One and One for All.

But on the inside he knew that he failed.

Now in the last year of his schooling, he would become a real hero. For some he already was a symbol, of peace, of hope...

This way wasn't good, it was flawed. Putting all the burden on a single man already proven to be a bad move. All Might was a great man, the greatest. But even he wasn't able to keep everything on his own shoulders.

Feeling a vibration in one of his costume pockets, he fished out his old battered phone. It was a miracle that this device survived for so long, being a present from All Might himself after the incident at the Pussycats training camp. It was reinforced to hell and back, just like Toshinori's own.

'Shoto: Hey, how's your patrol? Want to get lunch with me and Camie?' A short message from his friend read.

Smiling to himself he decided to not replay, wanting to be alone for a bit longer. Exiting the messaging app his eyes lingered on the background of his home screen.

The whole class 1-A formed a happy group in front of the freshly built dorms, all of them so full of life and dreams. No one even considered that something could go bad, but life never is so forgiving.

From the whole class, only three people survived the war. It was to be expected, taking into consideration that they were freshmen. Only half a year of training to prepare them all for the hell that came their way.

He felt responsible, Shigaraki used his quirk on such a scale that everything in a radius of 8 kilometers turned to dust.

And he meant everything.

Over 400 heroes died in the line of duty, hundreds of thousands civilians, nearly all of the Paranormal Liberation Front... Everything turned to dust in a matter of seconds.

He was rushing that way with Shoto and Katsuki, being the fastest he witnessed all of this first hand. Using Float, one of the quirks in One for All, he was speeding like a bullet to make it on time.

He didn't.

Being barely 30 meters away from his classmates he could only watch. One by one they crumbled to dust, some of them not even having the time to comprehend what was happening.

Kirishima was first, standing with his back to the wave of pure destruction. Tsuyu and Mineta next, then Shoji and Sero. One by one his friends disintegrated, exploding in a shower of dust.

The worst was Yaoyorozu... She knew what was happening, she was trying to outpace the wave. With desperation in her eyes she tried, but in the end it wasn't enough. Milliseconds before she became another victim she looked him straight in the eyes, a few small tears in her own. She smiled, at the end she smiled as if to tell him that it wasn't his fault, but it was.

He wasn't that close with the girl, but she was a friend nonetheless. A few times they studied together in the common room, or just talked. He could admit that after a few times he fell in love with the heavenly tea she prepared for them. He always had a whole tea preparation set with him and a large supply of all kinds of tea leaves, at least from the time he managed to access the last quirk in OfA's arsenal . Even when he tried his hardest he couldn't make it properly, like she was able to.

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