Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


For the first time in months she felt at peace.

She sat in a rather comfy chair in a large room that for some reason was heavily blurred out. On the other side of the table sat the green clad mage from her nightmares, or so she thought because the only thing she could make out were his green eyes and hair.

It was a rather pleasant atmosphere, serene even. They were just sitting, drinking tea from porcelain cups so ornate and beautiful that even the royal family would be in awe.

Suddenly a strange and unfamiliar sound caught her ears, something akin to a melody played out on small bells or cymbals. It was gone as fast as it showed up, allowing her to return to the blissful atmosphere for a moment.

To her surprise the person on the other side of the table moved, even as until now he was just drinking his own cup of tea without doing anything else.

"...ake ..p" He said in a whisper, looking directly into her eyes. She felt as if she could lose herself in those green orbs if she wasn't careful.

"Wake up." He repeated a bit louder, still looking her straight in the eyes.

With a slight jolt she opened her eyes after she felt someone shaking her arm. She barely held back a gasp when an unfamiliar face entered her field of vision.

"W, who are y, you?!" She asked in a slight panic, getting only a raised eyebrow in reply.

Before her was a young man, a bit older than Montmorency herself. He had a sharp jawline that was marred by small scars with one bigger going across both of his lips. It didn't take too much from his handsome features, maybe even enhanced them a bit in a way.

Spotting his green eyes and hair she immediately remembered the happenings from yesterday. How she and her sister both summoned people as their familiars, with Momo actually summoning someone incredibly powerful.

She didn't immediately recognize him because his attire was completely different than before. Gone was the heavy looking armor on his limbs and that scary visage akin to a demon from hell. Now he was wearing something that resembles the military uniform of a higher officer.

He had black shoes that shined a bit in the morning light, dark green pants that were incredibly well made and a white shirt under a gray jacket with green stripes on the shoulders. She couldn't decipher what rank he was, with the insignia on his shoulders vastly different from any she was familiar with. His hands were covered by black gloves, a strange fashion choice. His hair was shaved on the sides, leaving a wild mane of dark green hair with streaks of black. She hasn't seen such a hairstyle in her whole life.

"Sir D, Deku?" She asked unsure, looking the young man over a few times.

"One and only. You asked me to wake you up about two hours after sunrise." He replied, moving back to his bed and taking a seat.

"Ah yes, thank you." Now less groggy she also sat up in her own bed, still looking at him from the corner of her eyes. He didn't seem to mind, opening a book and starting to read. She didn't know if he was pretending or not, seeing that he was reading the book from back to the front. She would ask him where did those clothes come from and where did his battle gear go, but that strange ability to summon items came to mind immediately.

"What is our plan for today?" He asked suddenly, switching from one page to the next.

"Well... today is a day of c,celebration. W, we are supposed to bond w,with our familiars and there are no classes today." She stuttered out.

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