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A.N: I know I said I would be writing some one shots for Bucky, but I was inspired by the tik tok from avengerwzrs  to write this Steve Rogers one shot! Hope you enjoy and definitely vote, comment and message me any other requests!

Warnings/Tags:dub-con (Y/N is drinking but gives consent), fingering, oral (M to F), sex.

Word Count: 4.3k

The champagne flute, moments ago full of riesling wine, was nearly empty. The condensation on the glass slowly trickles down the frame and pools down the stem, into your fingers.

The sounds of the party around you, break your thoughts, causing you to turn around in your seat and study the place. For good reason, this party was for you.

Your best friend Natasha and your boyfriend, Steve, planned it all out. You'd arrive at your private birthday dinner at a nice, fancy Italian restaurant in the city before joining everyone else at one of the many houses Tony Stark owned.

Now, here you were, your belly full of pasta and champagne. You started drinking more the moment you stepped foot in the house and was greeted by Natasha shoving a shot glass into your hands. Too eager for the night to start, you downed it and ran off with your best friend leaving Steve to go and mingle with his friends.

Within the first two hours of the night, Natasha had poured more shots than you could count and you downed more shots than you thought ever possible for your small frame. Out of the corner of your eye you could sense Steve watching, his eyes lingering on your frame as you kept taking one shot after the other. His protective nature always lingered when he was around you.

It wasn't long until you mingled with the rest of the crowd which included Thor, Loki, Bruce, Wanda, Sam, Bucky, Maria, Clint, and the host himself Tony. Of course, there were other people at the party to fill in the space of the huge house, but you didn't know most of them. You didn't care, you just wanted to be with your best friend and boyfriend tonight.

"Y/N, please finish that wine, it's literally melting in your hand." Natasha pipes up next to you, coming from who knows where and plopping down on the seat next to you.

Although you drank more than you ever have in your life, you're still borderline drunk and pretty cohesive with words. You could see Natasha clearly, but deep down you knew your body was slowly swaying from side to side due to the alcohol.

"Only if you finish yours," you challenge back, raising your glass towards Natasha's mint julep. She raises her eyebrows and nods, clanking her glass with yours and both of you downing the remaining liquor within seconds.

Laughter breaks the silence after you both finish the drinks and your head turns towards the noise. Steve is laughing with Maria and Thor, clearly enamored by whatever joke was said. You smile sheepishly, happy that he's happy. There's also something else making you smile.

ONE SHOTS | STEVE ROGERS 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now