Moonsickness *(Kaito Momota x Reader)* (PART 1)

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Ok I know I have a ton of other requests to get to but I have the sudden urge to write this so I'm gonna do this then I promise I'll do the other requests :(
(I'm so sorry-)

Song: Moonsickness by Penelope Scott

I love Kaito :)

Angst? Idk at this point, but I cried writing this for some reason, prolly my mental health-

(F/C): Favorite Color
(F/A): Favorite Animal


There's so much to do
I'll never have the wherewithal
To do it all again
Or fucking do it all at all

(Y/N)'s POV:

Kaito Momota, huh? Well, not the worst person I could've been paired up with, like Ouma or Iruma. They're cool but I feel like I'd end up doing the whole thing on my own if they were my partners. Moving on, I have no idea where Momota is. He said something about 'not feeling well' after class ended so I guess he's in his dorm but I don't wanna go check right now so yeah. 

I love you so much
I don't wanna go but
Everybody knows this place is dying as am I

I'll text him I guess, I did give him my number the other day.


You: Hey Momota you doin' ok? It's been a few hours since you said you didn't feel well
Delivered 7:46pm

You: Momota where the hell are you, it's been 2 hours?
Seen 9:47pm

Momota--: Hi, this is Kaito's friend, Shuichi. I believe we have the same class? 

You: Oh yeah, hi Saihara! Where's Momota?
Seen 9:48pm

Momota--: He passed out a while ago, did you need him for something?

You: Hhhhhh, we have that project due in a few days but we never got to it today
Seen 9:48pm

Momota--: I see, well sorry about that! I'm probably gonna go to sleep, here's my number so we can talk somewhere other than Kaito's phone ^^ (xxx)-xxx-xxxx

You: Thank you, Saihara! Sleep well!
Read 9:49pm


I guess I can't really blame Momota for being asleep, I get tired when I don't feel well too. 

I might not get another chance
It's such a careful dance and
I am such a fuckup if you only knew
That I am such a fuckup

I should get to sleep soon too, it's getting later and later as I stare at the clock. 


Chat Invite: Class Chat


Yes <--------




(xxx)-xxx-xxxx: C-CUMDUMPSTER??

(xxx)-xxx-xxxx: Yeah, that's what I said, you gross pig


(xxx)-xxx-xxxx: Why don't we all just take a breather-

You: Who are you guys-
I mean I can assume but I don't wanna this late at night, my brain can't function

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