Arms Tonite <Kyoko Kirigiri x Reader>

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Song: Arms Tonite by Mother Mother


There's death in this chapter. Obviously. This is Danganronpa.

Requested by: @kxqing_ 


Kyoko Kirigiri's POV:

As I wandered throughout the empty halls of this hell school, I thought about all the deaths that occurred to our once-living classmates. Due to the fact that there were only 7 of us left, I figured someone was bound to die soon. After all, Monokuma wouldn't let 7 people escape, would he? Brushing away all thoughts I had, I thought of (Y/N). They were nearly killed by Syo the other day and I haven't forgotten that. I couldn't. My mind wouldn't let me drop that image. I decided to go back to my room, due to the time. The nighttime-announcement rung through my ears as I drifted off to sleep, hoping (Y/N) would escape.

The Next Day_-_--_--_-----_-_--___-__- (This isn't morse code btw-)

(Y/N)'s POV:

Walking out towards the area we all met, I spotted Aoi. I rushed up to her, jumping onto her back and giggling. She laughed along with me, placing me down on the ground and greeting me with a small smile. We walked into the dining hall, greeted by our classmates. I sat at my usual corner table as Aoi went to her usual seat. Kyoko soon entered the room, making her the last of us to arrive. She sat down with me as we made a little small-talk. It wasn't very interesting, just talking about how we would all get out together. That was until Monokuma arrived. Throwing more discs onto the table, he grabbed mine and tossed it to me, doing the same with Kyoko and everyone else. 

"Let's get you to the monitor room, kiddos!" Monokuma stated. He then walked off as the rest of us followed, like a mother duck and her ducklings except the ducklings hated their mother and the mother wanted to make the ducklings kill each other. As we walked into the room, Monokuma rushed out and shut the door behind him, not bothering to turn the lights on. That's the last thing I saw before it all ended. 

Kyoko Kirigiri POV:

The slight noise of a sword shredding through a solid object rang through our ears. In a panic, we all rushed along the walls, trying to find the light switch. Makoto grabbed it and immediately flipped it on. That was a terrible mistake, but if we hadn't done it, we would have never seen them. 


"Hey, you...." (Y/N) fumbled for words as the sword dug further and further into their abdomen. Rushing to their aid, I picked them up and placed them in my lap, elevating their arms and legs. 

"Don't you's kinda cute..." (Y/N) was struggling for air, grasping onto my arm as they stared into my eyes.

"That I...died...right inside your arms tonight?" I couldn't believe what was going on. Struggling to keep tears back, my lip quivered. They aren't dying....right? No, I won't let them die. THEY CAN'T DIE!

"That I'm...fine....even after I have died..." (Y/N)'s eyes started to water as they put their hand against my face. I finally gave up as tears ran down my face. 

"Because it was in your arms I died..." (Y/N) slowly kissed my cheek, dropping their hand onto the ground with a soft thud. Their body went cold and their skin went pale. 

They...died? Nono, this has to be a dream! They're still alive and well in their dorm!! Jumping up with the supposed (Y/N) body in my arms, I rushed to their room. With all of my force, I kicked the door open slightly, slipping my way into the room as I stared at the empty, messy, ruined bed sitting in the room. They really died....they're gone. This wasn't a dream. Dropping to my knees, I hugged (Y/N)'s dead body, crying my heart out. Not even thinking about who could have murdered them...


Haha this was my first 'angst' kind of thing so sorry if it sucked :)

I'm crying and I'm not even a huge fan of Kyoko.

N e ways, BYEEEEE!!

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