Chapter 3

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Next morning
Sid pov
ughh this nightmare wont leave me . I'm tried of these nightmare.  I am going to gym and do some workout.
pov end

After sometime, Siddharth finished his workout and got ready for school. He entered the school with his friend circle. And they sat on the table as there were still some minutes for the class.

Jai; Yaar, I am missing Avu.

Abhi; same. When will she come to India?

All except sid,jai and abhi: we are also missing her badly.

Sid; I am going to washroom so you guys talk. I am comming back in few minutes.

All nooded
Sid pov
After we reached collage we did a swag entry. After that we went to canteen and seated for while. all were discussing how they are missing ... what's her name again? I cant remember her name. leave it. Jai's sister. I had to go washroom so I rushed there.
pov ends

At group.

All except sid were there talking when they saw bike entering collage in full swag.
Jai; wah man what a bike!!!
Reem; Pig you are seeing bike we are seeing how swag that person entry is.
Jan ; yaa you are right her entry is swag
Fai: But who is that person
Abhi and vaishu; lets go and check (they both had an samll eyelock which was broken by fake coughs)
All; sure
when they gone and saw that person they became shocked as well as happy..

Guess who?

Earlier In Avneet's Penthouse
Avneet pov
Why this nightmare again.. Even god is not helping me to remove this nightmare with their power.. Anyway  I am going gym. Atleast I am gonna stay fit that way.
pov end
After that she went to gym and than college

Avu pov
I took my fav bike and gone to collage. Wow what a collage.
I did a swag entry and all were staring at me like i am a alien. I saw my group staring at me. What why is everyone staring at me like I am a Neptune Alien.
I then opened my helmet and group came running and give me a bone crushing hug.

Avu; Leave me yarr. It's getting difficult to breath.

Jai; When did you came to India? (breaking the hug )

Abhi; Why you didn't  you tell us!?

Vaishu; Where were you?

Fainat and Reem; How is your friend's health?

While Avneet was showered with dozen of questions, all the students were staring at her as if she was alien.

Avu; (to all) Why are you staring at us (shouting)
(to group) can't you speak slowly. First I will go and take my timetable then i will answer your questions.

Group nodded

After that I went to principle room. Without knocking. Who will question me? haha

Prin; Don't you have manners that you should knock the principals door before entering. (he shouted in anger

Avu; I guess you are forgetting something. How dare you shout at Devilangel. And who are you to shout at me and this is my collage.
Princ; Sorry maam i am extremely sorry. I won't repeat my mistake. Sorry.!

Avu; Now give me my timetable.

princ; sure ma'am

Avu; don't dare to say anyone about me, otherwise the day you reveal the secret it would be the last day u would see the sunrise

Princ; sure maam.

After comming from Principle room I was going to Canteen but I bumped with someone.
I was going through fall but that person catches me from waist.
I opened my eyes and I was lost in those hazel eyes. His eyes man.
I came back in senses and I shouted at him.

Avu; you again...why you always like to come in my way and are you stalking me.?
Sm1; why would i stalk to u and how dare you call me bander?
Avi; by my mouth
sm1; then you are nakchadi
Avu; I hate you
Sm1; I hate you too

now leave me
he leave her and she was going to fall but she did back flip and that person was shocked and she went to group.
Bada aaya meko girane k liye. AK ko girane ke loye 100 aaye or 10 gayee.  Par abhi tak kisi ne nahi gira sakta. Haha

Sid pov
After i went to washroom I was coming then I bumped into someone . she was going to fall but I catched her by waist.  I was lost in her eyes then she started shouting at me.

sm1; you bander again why you always like to come in my way and are you stalking me.
Sid; why would I stalk to u. and how dare you call me bander!
Sm1; by my mouth..
Sid; Then you are nakchadi
Sm1; i hate you!!
Sid; I hate you too
now leave me

I leave her and she waas going to fall but she blckflip and went away by swag.
Wah yaar what the gril.
I went to my group and saw a girl sating beside my chair.
I went their when I saw her she became shocked as well as I too

Sid/ Sm1; YOU.


Guess who is the person.

I know most of you have guessed but but I won't tell you who the person is.

Bye guys I am tried of writing. Next time next chapter. Meet you at Sunday.
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Words; 903

Singhed in by
- Shrinushla

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