Chapter 5

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Am and Sm; now Avu tell us when did you came India
Vm;Where did you went
All parents; tell na
Avu ; let me tell
Parents; ok tell

Avu;okok i will tell but how do you know this (pointing toward Sid) bander
Sm; He is mine younger son
Avu;are you sure he is your son,i mean you didnt adopt him
Sid; why do you think they have adopt me
Avu;cause your behaviour is like bander  monkey. See mumma and dada is so sweet and humble but you are arogant.
Abhi; you are right choti
Sid;dada are you my brother or her
Abhi; i am her brother
Avu; dada you are best
Sid; wait a min only i can call him dada and only he can call me chote
Avu; nope only me
Sid: me
Avu ;m (was cut of by Abhi)
Abhi; SHUT UP (shouting)

they both kept quit like a good kid
group except sidneet and abhi was enjoying eating popcorns and parents was trying to calm down.

Am;Okok leave it and avu tell when did you came
All except Avu and am; me too.
Avu;I came yesterday and I bumped into this bander.... After that my mood my off so i decided to plan the suprisw for u guys. Didnt you love it???
Parents: The best suprise ever
avu: thx
Af; okok now you kids go to Avu room and play
Gang;ok uncle/pops/papa

AVU and Sid calls vibha aunty as mumma
Avu and Sid calls Sonia aunty and Amandeep uncle as mom and pops
Jai calls sonia and amandeep as papa and mummy
others calls them as uncle aunty except Abhi as he calls Vibha aunty as  mumma

They all went to avneet room and got seated and there question started for Sidneet

Abhijeet (i love their ship  name); where were you both???
Vaish; what exactly happen in the airport, ??
Fainat; what happen at college???
Abhinavi;where did
gang except Sidneet;went
Answer na
They were showering questions at Sidneet and they got frustrated at shouted; WILL YOU LET US ANSWER
all nooded

Sid ; so first question how we mewt was
Avi: Told them the incident of chap 2.
All were laughing
Avu; so we both meet at collage too
Sid;told the incident of chap 3
Again all were laughing except Sidneet.

Sid; And what happen at collage when you four (pointing at Abhinavi and Jaireem) were fighting at name and
Avu; you two (points toward Fainnat) were romancing was

you are still here

Au bff and readers ; she had gone mad
Gang except Sidneet;yup we agree
Au;you all are very bad(crying emoji)
readers and gang ; go to stpry (glaring)

*note: the sentences in ittalic will be how sidneet is explaining to group and other will be their normal conversation in flashback

So after you guys   were fighting and romancing i went to grab a coffe and eventually bander too came there.  then we both bumped into each other and our argument started.
Flashback to college Chapter 3
Avu;cant you see and walk?
Sid;I can also say the same and why in the earth you like to bump with me
Avu; i can also ask the same.

Sid;we were arguing when we saw Queen V and King B coming towards us

Introducing Roshni walia as queen B

Roshni walia
A rich spiolt brat. hates death wisher  girls and more Avu and jeolous of her.  a total slut had slept with ever boy in collage except Death wisher  boy. her new target is Sid

Introducing Vishwal Jesthwa as King B

Vishal Jesthwa
A rich spoilt brat. hates death wisher boy. and is jeolous of Sid. had slep with ever girl except Death wisher  girl. new target is Avu.

(no hate)

ros; hey siddo baby
vishal;avu darling you are
 so beautiful.
sid;who are you (to ros)
avi; and you are  too chessy.
ros;you dont know us
Sid;we know you both
avi; that too properly
Vis;then tell who are we
Avi;you both
Sidneet;rich spiolt brat
Vis;how dare you say like that too us
avi;by mouth
Ros;you will pay for it (Saying this she went towars Avu and was gonna slap her then)

same for Vishal and sid
Sidneer catch their hand and teisted it. and slap them

Sid;never ever think of
avu;touching us or you will
sidneet;had to pay for it.
Flashback end
So this happen
Abhi; wah,you both had shut queen b
Jai;and king b
sidneet;okok leave it
my friend is joinning collage from tomorrow
Vais;you both have same fren
Sid;my fren name is tujknsbss
Avi;and mine is sow9pwbdgx
(i know you all know who is he/shr) but i dont wanna disclose it now.



I know its short chapter but i am in no mood to write. An ya happy Sidneetians day



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