chappy 19

268 15 11

Next morning everyone woke up and get fresh and went to ananeet room....

avu: accha sm2 call me and told they will come on few min
all ok
sid: mmm guys sm1 call me and told they will come in few min
all ok
sidneet to each other; What is yoyr fren name?
sidneet: why to tell... when they will come see
grp: shut the creep u idiots

They were randomly talking when someon knoced the door. Jai got up and open the door

sm1: Hi! Mr Singh... Can we meet Mr and Mrs Nigam
jai: Mrs Nigam!??? *confused*
Sm2: oh silly gurl.. She mean Ms Kaur
jai: ooo yeh sure come inside

they both went inside
sm1: Hello! Mr and Mrs Nigam
sm2: How many times i have to told u they are not married yet??
sm1 but they will nah
All were getting confused and sidneet were red nah not due to blushing but due to embarssment
sidneet: Shut the creep u idiots
abhi: kon ho app log ?
sidneet: they are my fren. she is
sn1&2 wait u moron we will introduce oourself

sm2: ya now let me introduce myself. As u see i am more sensable then her by my behaviour *prefering to sm1* Me is Shraya
au: congrooo welcome to the story Shraya6352
shrac thunks

sm1: so this gurl says she is more sensable than me which is false. Me izz Anushka who was thrown away by mental hospital. basically i join it for fun but now i loved it
au2: congrooooo anushki1
nushki: bhunks (au: actually i wrote bhunks so its not autocorrect
Basically author1&2 bestiee are here

Sid: why didnt u idiots pick up my call?
nushki: if u call same person how can they pick up the call
avu: but before that also u can nah
shra: man she was explanning sorry shouting at me while teaching me idiot Optional math
sid: nushki teaching u optional math impossible
nushki: why imposiible idiot???
avi: comeon everyone know u hate it
shra: u wont believe how much she got in opt math
sidneet: how much?
nushki: just 38 out of 50
jai*interputting* : u are sad beacuse u only got 38? seriously
nushki: yes
faisu: i am ok when i get 20 but u
vaish: accha u guys stop and let us introduce ourself
shra: no need to introduce we know u all

reem: really *excited*
nushki *chuckling*: yes
reeem : toh tell us who are we
nushki: he is Mr Nigam big brother Abhisekh Nigam and his girlfriend Mrs Vaishnavi Nigam
shra: idiot its Ms Vaishnavi rao
nushki: but she is gonna be Mr Nigam soon
sid: stop it idiot and continue your introducing season
While sid says it shra mentally face plammed
shra pov
idiot moron sid
she is gonna embaress all. U literally dont have any idea how much this gurl embaressed us
rabba bacha re
pov end

nushki: so moving to topic. He is Jaijeet Singh and she is Mrs Reem Singh/Kaur. *pointing to jaireem*
He is Faisal shaikh and she is Mrs Jannat Shaikh. *pointing to fainaat* and he is Moron Dev Joshi and bitch Annahita Sen. *pointing to devhita*
All were looking red due to blushing and devhita due to embarissment. Sidneet were shocked and shra was having nuteral as she know she plan like this.

all were trying to digest this.
Shra: now let's discuss abt where to visit
Nushku: did u guys have your bf
All: nope
Shra: then let's have local bf first and lets talk there.
* All went to have bf in local area

This much for today.....
Today my first exam finish and it went well
So next update after exam if u complete the goal

Goal: 20 vote and 5 follower.

And that pagal and pagli was authors bestfren

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