Chapter One

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There are so many disadvantages to being a werewolf;

One: We can kill our best friend.

Two: We're unable to control our blood-lust on a full moon.

Three: We can smell when anything is in heat...anything.

That is the worst. I could spend ages listing everything that's wrong with being a werewolf but I think I can just sum it up.

It sucks.

The worst part on being one is that you can smell when woman are having their time of the month or when someone's having sex in the bed next to yours. Or you can smell when one of your friends wakes up with an erection...

Honestly, being a werewolf sucks so much.

"Hey, Remus, wakey-wakey!" Sirius laughed.

He jumped onto Remus' bed and pulled the blankets off.

"What the, hell are you doing?" Remus growled as he woke up.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes; his sleeves much too big for his arms.

"You're going to miss breakfast if you don't wake up now! If you miss breakfast, you're going to be hungry all day!" Sirius laughed.

Remus sighed and climbed out of bed, "We have lunch today you know that."

"Don't care! Just get up!" Sirius barked.

"I am up! Stop rushing me for shit!" Remus barked.

Sirius beamed down at his friend, "Get dressed, I'll meet you downstairs."

Before Remus could reply; Sirius took off out of the dormitory.

Remus sighed and grabbed his robes; he hurriedly slipped them on, the faster he put them on the less he had to see his body.

He grabbed his wand and made his way down the spiral staircase until he came to dormitory's lounge.

Sirius was lounging against the wall and playing with his hair; he was watching a few girls sitting by the fire place.

"Come on," Remus muttered.

"Wouldn't it be cool if you dated a chick that hot?" Sirius sniggered.

Remus rolled his eyes, "You're hilarious."

"Well my asexual friend-" Sirius started but the glare Remus sent him made him bite his tongue.

He shrugged his shoulders and threw his arm over Remus, "Fine, scratch that idea. What if I hooked you up with someone though? How nice would that be? You could get yourself a girlfriend, have sex and snog with someone that isn't your pillow."

"I don't snog or have sex with my pillow thank you Mr Black," Remus sighed.

Sirius sniggered, "Sure you don't. I know how lonely you get after the full moon. I'm only trying to be a good friend and give you a play toy."

"I'm not a dog..." Remus muttered. "You're the dog."

Sirius chuckled, "Don't say that too loud. I'll get in trouble for being one illegally."

"I'm a werewolf, you shouldn't say that so bloody loud," Remus growled.

They entered the Great Hall and sat next to James and Peter.

"Lily's looking at me!" James squealed.

He grabbed Sirius' arm and squeezed tightly.

Remus looked away and gripped his goblet tightly as he took a sip.

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