Chapter 1 The First Day Of Ridgeway

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It was Monday 7:25 AM when your alarm clock rang out. You quickly shut it off and rubbed your eyes. You checked the time again and sighed. "I guess there's no getting out of it now." you thought and you got up. You saw your dog named Chris sleeping in the corner. He was the laziest golden retriever you had ever seen, but he was also your best friend. Today would be your first day at Ridgeway high-school and you weren't really looking forward to it. You and your mother moved to Seattle when she started dating a guy named Ted. Ted was the principal at Ridgeway. So, you transferring there was a no-brainer. It was hard leaving Cleveland behind. You missed your old friends and were worried you weren't going make any here. You got out of bed, brushed your teeth, put on your clothes and patted Chris on the head before walking out the door. You went downstairs seeing Ted and your mom already eating breakfast. "Good morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?" your mom asked. You nodded and sat down at the table. "Don't worry Y/N. Ridgeway is a fine school. I know what the kids are like I'll bet you'd fit right in." Ted said trying to cheer you up. "I hope so." you replied looking at your toasted bread and took a bite. "You want me to walk with you? I mean I know a first day can be pretty scarry." Ted offered. You denied his offer saying it be better if people didn't know the principal was your mother's boyfriend. "Alright then. Let me know if you need anything. You know where my office is." he said before taking another sip of his coffee.

Ten minutes later you cycled to school. You put your bike in the bicycle park and went inside. You stood in a spacious hallway with countless lockers, with the school insignia painted on the floor in the middle of the hall. It was a big purple, flying hawk with the name "Ridgeway" under it. There were so many kids walking around, it was kind of disorienting. You took a deep breath. "I can do this. First things first. I need to drop some of my stuff in my locker." you thought and opened your backpack. You took a small note out of it. It had all your student information on it. What class you were in, your schedule and your locker number. You looked at the number, 323. You looked around the hall trying to figure out where you had to look for the lockers starting with 300. You couldn't find it though and started panicking slightly. You had no choice and decided to ask someone. But who to ask? There were so many unfamiliar faces around you. You saw a boy sitting on the staircase typing on his laptop. "He looks friendly enough." you thought and decided to walk over. You stood in front of him and tried to get his attention. "Excuse me. Do you know where I can find locker 323?" you asked politely. The boy looked up and smiled. "Sure, I do." he said and he closed his laptop. "323? No way man. You might be the luckiest kid ever. You have a locker next to the prettiest girl in school. It's right over there next to the boy's bathroom." he said pointing at a row of lockers in the distance next to the blue bathroom doors. "Thank you." your replied deciding not to ask who he meant by the prettiest girl. "I'm Freddie by the way, Freddie Benson." he said and he reached his hand out to you. The guy seemed nice so you shook his hand. "Y/N - L/N nice to meet you, Freddie." you said. "So, you're new at Ridgeway?" he asked. "That's right. I'm just trying to get a hold of things." you said nervously. "I see." Freddie replied.

"Why not sign up for one of the school's clubs? It's a great place to meet new people and make friends Y/N." Freddie said. You thought about it. You felt it was kinda early to join a school club but it wasn't a bad idea at all. "Sure, what kind of clubs do you have here?" you asked. "Oh, the usual. We have drama, chess, music, a basketball team and an AV club." he said. You were always interested in photography and film, so your interest instantly went to the last one. "You have an AV club? That's so cool! Can I join?" you asked. "Sure. More souls the merrier. I think this is the first time anyone ever called us cool though." Freddie laughed. "Who cares I think it's awesome." you said enthusiastic. "Why not join us this afternoon? We're discussing the best way of filming with different lighting and special situations." he said and you listened intrigued. After talking with Freddie for a few minutes you went over to your locker. You and Freddie clicked on multiple fronts and you hoped you already had someone here to fall back on. You opened your locker and it was rather spacious, way bigger than at your last school. You put your jacket and some books in it. After closing it you wrote down the combination on the student information form. The bell rang and you and Freddie headed over to your first class.

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