S1 EP12 - Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E.: Part One

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Nate was sitting beside Kevin.

Nate: Did you ever have girl trouble, Uncle Kev? What am I saying? Of course you didn't. It's just that I really like this girl... but someone else asked her first... I really need to stop talking to you like you can communicate.

Nate heard the approaching sound of a jet engine.

Nate: What the-

The windows shattered as the bounty hunter SixSix landed. Nate quickly ran into the kitchen and ducked behind the island.

Nate: What are you doing here SixSix?

SixSix: (In Sotoraggian) I am here to kill you for Vilgax.

Nate: I don't speak Sotoraggian, but it's lucky Vilgax is universal in all languages.

SixSix shot at the counter. Nate ducked out of the room and went down into the basement.

Nate: Not cool, SixSix. You don't shoot at an unarmed civilian.

SixSix followed him down into the basement but was met with a powerful blast. Nate had used a laser rifle from the arsenal downstairs.

Nate: However, you can shoot at a kid with Plumber gear.

SixSix got back up and rushed at Nate. Nate threw a stun grenade, knocking SixSix into the ceiling and knocking him out. Nate went over to his gauntlet and started pressing buttons.

Nate: And now, time to reverse your teleport.

SixSix woke up and let out a roar before disappearing. He went back upstairs and left to get in his car, bringing Zed.


He had made it to the safe house where the others had already arrived. He got out of the car with Zed. Courtney ran up to him and hugged him.

Courtney: Where were you? I was worried.

Nate: Sorry, I had a run-in with a bounty hunter.

Courtney: What?!

Nate: It doesn't matter.

Pat: Let's get inside.

They hear an approaching vehicle.

Courtney: Who's that?

The truck pulls up and Justin exits.

Justin: Hello, friends. I bring forth a feast fit for kings and queens.

Max and Zed ran up to him.

Justin: Oh, and loyal steeds.

They hear a rumbling sound to look and see the S.T.R.I.P.E. armour land. They look over at Pat.

Pat: Remote control.

Mike: Yeah? When are you gonna teach me how to drive that thing?

Pat: Never. Let's get in there.

Beth: That's everyone and everything coming tonight, right?

Barbara: I hope so.

They all walk up to and inside the house.


Vilgax was reporting to Jordan over the holo-call.

Vilgax: It seems that SixSix was unsuccessful in his mission. As such, the Tennyson boy was able to get away.

Jordan: This isn't good, Vilgax. How could a professional bounty hunter lose to a 16-year-old kid?

Vilgax: He seems to be craftier than his father was at his age. But, I shall be coming back down to the Earth, and I shall take the boy on myself.

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