Kokichi Finidng His Love For Panta

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(Idk my friends aren't answering my calls and i'm bored—)

  Kokichi P.O.V

  What time is it? 12 at night? I cant sleep either.

  What should I do? I bet my friends are asleep right now. I don't feel like watching tv or playing video games. I do feel like eating though.

  I hoped off my bed and headed downstairs to our pantry.

  I opened it hoping I would get something sweet in there. But only disappointment showed in my face when I saw literally *NOTHING* was in there!!

  Why did we have to get adopted to a poor family?

  I closed back up, and when I turned around I just saw my brother just standing there.

  "AH— oh it's just you. What the hell, why do you sneak up on people like that?!"

  "Oh, my bad. I was trying not to make any noises while our parents were sleep. Especially dad."

  "Yeah, especially with his mood swings from his pregnancy. There's nothing in there if you're looking for something!"

  "Oh, dang what a shame. Guess the only thing to do now is head to the store."

  Like that he pulled out some money he had, about $20.

  "Woah, how did you get that?"

  "Won a bet at school."

  "But it's the middle of the night, I don't think we can go out."

  "Don't worry. we'll be in and out. And we'll come back so no one sees us."

  "Hmm, okay!"

  We put on our shoes that was by the front door and deactivated the alarm. We left out the house to the convince store right around the corner.

  //At the store//

  Taro bought seed which were only 99 cent. I didn't know which to choose.

  I kept looking, until I stumbled upon a drink called "Panta". Never heard of it, and my parents don't allow me to have soda at night. But we're already at the store without their permission.

I grab a pack of them. 6 of them where in there for only 5 dollars.

I bought it and left with Taro to go back home. Once we got back in the house I opened the pack and took a sip of it.

Oh. My. God.

I continued to drink it. It just tasted so flipping good. I couldn't stop. Next thing J knew I was finished with it in 1 minute.

I quickly grabbed another and opened it drinking again. I was chugging it down until someone took it from me.

"Slow down.."

"Don't tell me what to do! Give it back!"

I snatched it back from Taro and continued to drink it. I finished that bottle and grabbed another one. Drinking it down.

"Okay, that's enough maybe drink some water and go to bed now."


I didn't mean to yell at him. Or yell at all because now I hear foot steps walking down to the kitchen. I didn't want to stop or leave my precious children here.

Taro heard the noise too and grabbed the bottles out of my hand and started tugging me away from them.

"No! I want more!"

"You drunk three of them in less than 5 minutes!"

"So?! I still need to finish the other 3! And then go back for more!"

"No! Come on!!"


That noise didn't come from neither of us. we went silent as we saw our taller father standing there.

"Why are you both down here yelling? Your dad is asleep."

"Sorry. Kokichi is addicted to those knock off fanta drinks from the store!"

"Panta? But me or your dad never bought Panta before. How did it get in there?"

"Don't be mad. ButmeandKokichiwenttothestoreeithoutyourpermissionandboughtsomethingsnotwithyourmoneybutwithmineimsorry!"

"Hm. Okay, as long as you're both safe. Don't do that again though. And I won't tell your dad."

Taro let out a sigh. I found this time to finish the soda I was drinking. I reached for my 4th bottle until some old, pale, skeleton hands touched my pact! He put it back in the fridge.

"C'mon Kokichi let's go to bed."

"What?! I'm not finished!"

"Shh. Stop yelling."

"Pleaseeee! one more!"

"No, Rantaro said you've already had 3."

"He's lying!"

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Fine. I had 3, let me have one more! pleaseeeee!"

"No Kokichi. Go do something in your room before you wake your dad up."


I stomped away in frustration. They have the audacity to say i'm addicted? I just like it. I bet anyone would.

I'll just go to sleep so it can be tomorrow already and I can drink the last of it in the pack!

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