That person

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Everyone has that person.
The person they know basic details about.
The person who they see most days.
But their eyes dont meet when they talk.
Their eyes dont meet when they walk past one another.
A smile does not come to their face when they see the other.
Their eyes dont light up at the mention of the other.
Polar opposites who no one can see ever getting along.
Someone who you have no interested in learning more about.

Percy Weasley's is Oliver Wood.

Percy Weasley.
Smartest in his year.
Top of all of his classes.
Large family.
Not many friends.

Oliver Wood's is Percy Weasley.

Oliver Wood.
Gryffindor quidditch captain.
Gryffindor keeper.
Him, his mum and his dad.
Large group of people around him.
Half blood.

Books. Studying. Classes.
The three words that come to Oliver Wood's mind when someone mentions Percy Weasley.
Neat freak. Perfectionist. Teachers favourite.
5 more words.

Mud. Mess. Noise
Three words that come to Percy Wesley's mind everytime someone mentions Oliver Wood.
Quidditch. Struggling. Unorganised. Doesn't care.
5 more words.

Of course the pair of them are in a dorm. Alone.
Everyone says opposites attract but is that really the case?
Of course they don't have to attract but the whole of Gryffindor just wishes they'd stop arguing every now and then.
Do they? No.

People like Fred and George Weasley find it hilarious.
People like Charlie Weasley, during his time at school, found it irritating.
The new first years? They'll probably find it terrifying.

But who knows maybe one year they'll get along.
Maybe they'll realise they have more in common than they thought.
But then again their both stubborn so who knows.

Some would call them polar opposites.
Others would call them two sides of the same coin.
Or you could compare the two to day and night.
Day being Oliver.
Notice by more
Night being Percy.
Only noticed by those still awake.

Day and night.
The perfect way to describe them.
Or is it the only way to describe them?

Day and Night (perciver fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now