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The first years at Hogwarts already making their way over to Hagrid as the older years made their way over to the carriages. A memory all too familiar for older years. Two 5th years specifically.

Percy remembered Bill telling him about it, then Charlie when he came home for Christmas. Then when it was finally his turn the paranoia that set in. Being extra careful to not make the boat tip, or not fall in or even drop something. The silence. He stayed silent during the boat ride however much the boy next to him kept trying to talk to him. Then again thirteen-year-old Percy hearing the twins go on about how exciting it was and how many friends they had made on that boat ride and Percy never many any, but he was definitely not jealous of the twins, no definitely not. But this year fifteen-year-old Percy, who had lost someone who he could probably call one of his few friends, would get to listen to Ron, who had probably already made friends on the bloody train. Percy realised he was the only sibling so far who had stuck to an older sibling. He realised how much he clung to Charlie before he left.

Oliver however had no siblings to tell him what was going to happen. Yes of course his dad told him, but he was a different generation of Hogwarts students to Oliver and things change. However, sitting in a boat with a redhead that wouldn't talk to you wasn't great or overly enjoyable. But it gave him a chance to look around and talk to the third person in the boat with them Penelope Clearwater. He spoke to her for the most part sort of becoming the first friends either one had. However, Oliver's popularity in his house only grew as he joined the Quidditch team in his third year.

Once they got to the school and to the great hall the houses sat having small conversations about the new first years and the soon to be gone seventh years. Each house desperate to see the newest members as the hall fell silent when McGonagall walked in the first years quickly walking after her.

Percy heard his youngest brother talking to someone and gave him a small smile for luck although he never saw the person he was talking to. But he remembered how nervous he felt the day of his sorting. Coming from a family of Gryffindors no one wants to be first sorted into another house. You want to stay the same you don't want to be the black sheep of your own family. Percy had mixed thoughts about how his parents would ever react to one of their children being a different house. Mad? Semi-unlikely. Disappointed? Very likely. At least that's what Percy believed. However, he knew that if Ron wasn't sorted into Gryffindor, it would him who would have to deliver the news to his parents. That didn't sound fun all.

Oliver never paid much attention to the new first years before the sorting. He had no siblings to wish the best for hoping they'd be in his house so he could look after them. Just like he didn't really have any family expectations. He knew for his sorting they'd prefer him to be in Gryffindor, but they wouldn't care if he was or wasn't.

The three Weasleys in the hall attention went straight to McGonagall when she called their youngest brothers name sitting in suspense, they traded looks as the hat sat on their brothers head. Waiting for it call out something eventually it did and Percy sighed with relief as Ron quickly came over to the Gryffindor table a large grin on his face as he looked to his brothers.

Percy attention drifted after that, after the ceremony and dumbledores speech to introduce new prefects the feast started. Neither of two fifth years ate much.

One paranoid about the thought of prefect duties.

The thoughts of being the perfect child.

Thoughts of being a good brother.

Making sure he was fair and didn't show favouritism.

Staying top of his classes.

The other worried about letting his house down.

Disappointing them all, his classmates, teachers, parents.

Thoughts of being a better student.

Making sure he trained hard for Quidditch.

Leaving time to study.


A dangerous thing,

Either a blessing or a curse,

No inbetween,

Affects people in entirely different ways.

Oliver wood.

Trying to make people proud.

His house, friends, teachers and family.

Going to try and do better in classes himself.

They were the three goals Oliver had decided he was going to try and achieve this year. They were going to be what went through peoples mind when they heard his name.

Percy Weasley.

Fair prefect.

Top of Classes.

Making his family proud.

They were the three goals Percy had decided he was going to continue to achieve this year. They were going to be what went through peoples mind when they heard his name.

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