Chapter 4

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-Ba Sing Se-

Korra and Kuvira went to their first class period. They signed in and sat in the back table as normal, but something sound so familiar. It was Korra's song playing loudly in someone's headphones. Korra looked at Kuvira with a smile. She felt good about herself.

The only thing was, Korra wasn't popular, at all. People didn't even know her name. She was known as the girl who hung out with Kuvira. So it felt weird having people around you listening to your song and not know it's you. Korra went through that the whole time in school.

After school Korra and Kuvira met with their counselor. It was the same person and they were going for the same reason so they went together to not waste time.

"Let me get this straight, you two want to take online courses?" The older woman asked the girls.

"Ms. G, we need this" Kuvira said making the woman raise an eyebrow

"Look girls, I don't think it's a great idea, We have no online meet classes, if you were to do online, you girls would get the material but you have teach yourself how to do the assignments, it's very difficult" Ms. G said concerned

"But we still have access to email our teachers for any questions" Korra pointed out.

"True, but I have no problem with you doing the work" She said to Korra "It's that one I'm worried about" She gestured to Kuvira

"Hey!" Kuvira was offended 

"I'll be with her, I can help her" Korra said "I mean, I already tutor her"

"Fair point, but may I ask why you want to take this step?" Ms. G asked and Korra hesitated but Kuvira stepped in "Look me and Korra have been going through a lot of stuff at home and we can use a vacation and get out the city" Kuvira said. Ms. G was like their school mom, she knew about both girls' situations at home.

"You sure it's that and has nothing to do with the Fire Ferrets going on tour?" She crossed her arms and looked at Korra

"How'd you..?" Korra was speechless

"Korra, all I hear in the hallway lately is the fire ferrets and the new girl, 'Korra'" She said with a laugh "I have been working in education for 17 years, and you're the first person and only person I met with the name Korra"

"ok ok You got me" Korra sighed

"I'll let you do this" Ms. G said "You're dedicated to your education if your willing to juggle this and the tour, but if I see your grades hit a D I'm bringing you back in"

Korra and Kuvira celebrated at their victory.

"Also, here" The woman handed Korra her favorite purple coffee mug and a black marker "I want to be the first to get an autograph, after all you're my kid at this point" She said earning a smile from Korra who gladly signed the mug.

"Also, can you not tell our parents" Kuvira added in, Korra's head shot up to look at Ms. G who was thinking about it. "You guys are 18, I don't see why your parents need to be included in this" She gave them a wink. Korra and Kuvira fist bumped and celebrated. "But like a said, a D you guys are coming back, F I will contact your parents, I won't tell them about the tour, but they do need to know if your grade is dropping, they are the ones paying for it"

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