Chapter 2 - Attack

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   It was pure chaos. People were running and screaming, while others were grabbing weapons to defend themselves with. I was too busy panicking and trying to figure a way to escape from my chains.

   In my current state I couldn't do much, my ankles were in shackles, making it exceedingly difficult to move. A cloud of dust covered the area as blasts of fire rained down on the illegal market. The powerful blasts shook the earth as I sat on the ground, my handlers sprinting away in fear.

   In all the racket I was able to see through the dust and look at the other slaves. They were just as helpless as me, worry eminent on their faces as the foreign foe closed in, breaching farther into the small village. Many attempted to scatter as the demons drew near, but it only ended up with half of them fallen on the ground, tripping over their restraints.

   I watched in pure horror as I saw glowing swords appear on the horizon. Raised over the children's heads, I flinched, closing my eyes and looking away as they came down, but when I didn't hear screams, like expected, instead I peeked out and saw all my fellow slaves still intact, their shackles in pieces, instead of them.

   My eyes went wide as I stared at the scene unfolding before me, my jaw slack. As the dust settled from the last blast I could see the figure of someone looming in the distance. Judging by their size, they had to have some sort of cape draped over their shoulders. The only discernible feature, was a pair of startling golden eyes that could pierce your very soul.


   I looked up, terrified as a piece of the building next to me was blast to pieces and the rubble fell from the sky. I watched as it came directly towards me at an alarming rate. Right when it hit impact, I felt a sharp pain in my leg as the world around me went dark.


   I felt dizzy as I came to. The landscape around me was blurry, rather that was from the dust in my eyes or a concussion, I couldn't tell. I weakly glanced around, my eyes scanning the terrain, the village was in pieces, fallen rubble littered the ground, fire sprouting around me.

   As I tried to rise to my feet, I felt a strong resistance. I turned my head and saw my legs, along with my lower torso, trapped under a large piece of roofing. I struggled once more to get up, trying to push the useless hunk wood off me, but it was no use. My hands and arms were covered in cuts and bruises, to weak to do much of anything.

   I let out a small groan and straightened my gaze forward, only to see a pair of sharp golden eyes glaring back at me. I could feel my body still as I held my breath and stared at the demon, well dragon, that the orbs belonged to.

   The women bad curled black horns, dark as soot with long white hair that framed her sharp face, and contrasted with her locks, perfectly. She stood with her hands to her sides, red cloth draped over her shoulders as we made eye contact. She wasnt even the scariest part of what I saw, for surrounding her in a C shape was a hoard of demons.

   "Hah! No way to announce the enthronement of our new demon lord than by wrecking a human settlement!" One of the more prominent demons said, he looked like a reptile with yellow scales and silver armor draped across his chest and back.

   He must have noticed his queen not paying much attention to his words as he asked her, "Is something wrong Queen Velverosa? Did you spot anything?" Clearly choosing not to wait for an answer, instead, his gaze followed the dragons and landed directly on me.

   Time seemed to slow as I let out a small gasp and tried to duck farther into the rubble, it didn't work as more demons turned their heads in wake of the sudden noise. My heart was beating faster and faster as I tried to think of a way out of my predicament, but my mind only drew a blank.

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