Chapter 3 - Sunset

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   I tried to avoid the sharp claws of the demons as they attempted to lift the broken wood off my back and legs. I could hear the loud creak that the rubble made and the instant I felt release I scrambled out from under and pulled my legs into my chest.

   However, despite the fact that I was finally free, I was still surrounded by demons who all had their eyes on me, observing my every move, so maybe I wasn't so free. I whipped my head around back and forth, watching the demons around me, who were doing the same.

   I rubbed down my legs, they were covered in cuts and bruises, not to mention the rings of raw flesh around my ankles from where the chains rubbed. Similar marks were on my neck and wrists, they were deep and looked as if they would scar. Pity.

   I winced as I passed over a particularly painful cut. It was a nasty gash over the side of my thigh, most likely split open by some nails from the fallen roof.

   I huffed in exasperation and turned my head, only to be blinded by the orange light of the lowering sun. The demons around me started to shuffle in the same direction I was looking, the army was getting ready to move on.

   Many of the demons were now ignoring me, save for a few who still had theirs eyes trained on me in case I decided to make an unwanted move towards them or their queen.

   Honestly, it didn't even matter if I did. My small stature and weakened state couldn't do much against a bunch of highly trained guards. Thats excluding the extra protection they had with their scales or sharp teeth.

   I hadn't noticed that I had been staring until the sharp gaze of a particularly irritated dragon met my own. I watched as she examined me over her shoulder, running her eyes up and down my fragile figure. When she stopped at my neck and her eyes went wide, I knew I was in trouble.

   I couldn't even process what happened, all I saw was a flash and the next second I was pinned on the ground. I was being held down by my neck, the demon queen looming over me as she stared in horror at something. I desperately grasped at her hand, trying to get at least somewhat loose.

   She was holding me down so hard that it hurt, her nails digging into my skin. My head was craned to the side and I shut my eyes tightly, awaiting something to happen. After a few seconds of stillness I peeked and then immediately shut them again as I saw the dragons claws pulled back like she was about to attack.

   When I felt no change in her movements, I opened my eyes back up to see the women shaking. This time, she looked more angry than scared. I saw her clench her teeth and raise her claws higher as if to strike. I simply stared at her in fear, well knowing she had my life in her hands.

   I tried to get myself to say something, to beg her not to kill me or at least ask her what I did to warrant such an attack, perhaps she didn't like my staring? This seemed slightly extreme for such a simple thing though. My mouth refused to move and all that came out was a small, confused whimper.

   The queen narrowed her eyes, clearly deep in thought, before closing them and releasing her tight grip on my neck, instead, taking my arm and standing up. I had no choice, but to be hauled up next to her as she addressed those around her, who were now staring curiously.

   "We're taking her with us, as a prisoner of war." She spoke standing tall. She didn't even spare me a glance as she talked to her people.

   There were audible gasps in the onlookers as the warriors started to question their rulers judgement, asking her things like;

   "Are your sure, my queen?"

   "But, why? Shes a simple human girl!"

   "What are we supposed to do with her?"

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