Chapter 7 - Complicated Conference

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  "What the hell is she doing in here?!" The demon queen commanded from the doorway.

   Her arms were crossed as she sternly stared down at Malori with a sharp glare. The look she gave her made the human girl freeze up, her hands tightening the grip on her skirt. Her fingers scrunched the fabric as she looked down at her lap anxiously to avoid the demon queens harsh gaze.

   The queen appeared to be furious. Her eyes were slitted and emitted an angry glower. Malori could even swear that she saw smoke come out of the dragons ears.

   "Now, now, my queen! Dont be so harsh! It was my idea, I just wanted to give her-"

   "Do you have any idea what she is!?" The queen exclaimed in a stern tone that seemed as if if could level mountains.

   "Im not sure what you're referring to my queen-"Before Melathia could finish her sentence the demon queen had already grabbed her arm and was leading her outside the room, only stopping in the door way to scowl at Malori.

   "Put her back in her cell." The woman said to one of the demons standing guard at the door. With a shaky nod the demon approached Malori and hauled her up, before dragging her back to the dungeons.


   Melathia decided that today she did not like Velverosa.

   Usually, the queen and her got along brilliantly. They had been partners for many years and had served the demon tower side by side for what felt like centuries.

   But today, Melathia did not like Vel.

   The queen angrily dragged her along the hallways, passing by other demons who paled and quickly scattered at the appearance of the angry dragon. Melathia didn't resist, simply allowing her queen to practically carry her across the demon tower and up the steps.

   Melathi had been on the receiving end of Vels rage many times, but never has the queen had such an aura around her. Vel was acting like she was actually threatened by a mere human. Her behavior was enough to confirm that. Thats why Melathia simply looked at her queen, very confused as she was told they were heading to meet with the other generals.

   By the time the two had reached the conference room Vels rage was slightly subdued. Her previous yelling and panic had calmed into something more like quiet rumbling and worry.

   Through the large stone door the pair could hear the loud chatter of the other demon generals, already awaiting their queens arrival. All of them had been called there by Vel for, what seemed to be, an update on the recent expedition.

   Nonetheless, the demon queen still harshly threw open the doors of her conference room, announcing her presence. All the demon generals, who had been previously chatting were now silent, waiting for their queens instruction.

   Melathia snaked in close behind the queen as they made their way to the head of the table, the lamia taking a seat of Vels right. Everyones eyes were on the dragon as she stood at the center of attention, completely poised as expected of demon royalty.

   "As you all may know, the crusades to signify my strength to the human population and announce myself as the new demon ruler have just been completed." She announced, receiving a roar of excited claps and cheers from her generals whos faces broke out into smiles. However, the queen remained stoick as she waited for the applause to die down.

   "With that being said, from this moment forward I would like to focus our resources on bettering the mana consumption rates and agriculture of the demon tower. We may start by-"

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