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"What about Techno? We can't just leave him there!" Tommy pleaded with his father who continued to drag him through the forest despite his continuous objections.

"You know we aren't strong enough to fight Dream right now," Philza stopped and stood next to Tommy, gently touching the teen's red shoulder where Dream's arrow had pierced his skin.

"Tubbo! We have to get Tubbo!" Tommy's eyes filled with even more worry as he remembered Dream's willingness to threaten his friend.

"Ok," Phil lead Tommy to the edge of L'manberg before he began to explain the plan. "We only have 6 minutes of invisibility for each of us. I need to get supplies from my house, you go get Tubbo. We meet back at the docks, okay?"

"Ok," Tommy held the potions in his hand and looked over his former country.

"Remember, six minutes," Phil told his son before they both disappeared.

Tommy ran from the hill they had stood on toward the president's quarters and arrived outside his door just before the first potion ran out.

"Tubbo?" Tommy pushed open the door and called out for his former friend.

"Tommy?" The president seemed shocked to see the teen standing in front of him.

"Tubbo, we gotta go. Like, now," Tommy turned to leave, but stopped when he saw the president was not going to follow him. "Tubbo please we dont have-"

"Tommy you aren't supposed to be here."

"I know but Dream... You don't understand he took me...he's going to come for you..."

"I don't have time for this Tommy, you need to return to exile."

"We need to save Techno he..."

"Technoblade is an enemy of the state."

"But Tubbo-"

"You need to leave. Before I have to..," A tear escaped Tubbo's eye as he turned away from the friend he was once loyal to.

"Please..." Tommy heard voices coming from down the hall and began to back toward the door before finally downing his last potion with a heavy heart and heading for the docks.

Phil already stood in wait on the edge of the dock.

"Where's Tubbo?" he asked the teen who appeared in front of him.

"He doesn't believe me," tears now streamed off Tommy's face as he entered the boat Phil had prepared and watched his former country disappear behind him.

Once land entered their sights once again, Tommy's tears began to dry.

"Where are we going?"

Tommy didn't want to think about how helpless he was in that moment and all the ones before. He attempted to suppress the memory that formed of him standing frozen in that field, crossbow aimed toward him. His failed attempt at escape, being forced out of l'manberg, all thoughts now flooding back to fill his head. Now his brother had to feel the force of all his mistakes. Was it all his fault?

Phil embraced his son in a hug, carefully avoiding the freshly injured shoulder.



After a few hours walk, Phil shook the teen that he carried on his back. Tommy, who had become too weak to make the entire walk, lifted his head to see a familiar house nestled at the bottom of a hill in a flower biome. The fresh smell of grass and newly bloomed roses hit his face and a long forgotten feeling overtook him.


The father and son entered the house and Tommy laid in his old bed as Phil set out his supplies. After a few minutes, Phil entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed like he had done many times before. The man with the striped hat began to gently peel back the bandages wrapped around the teen.

"What did Dream do to you?" Phil continued to clean the wounds of his son.

Tommy stared blankly at the wall in front of him.

"I'm sorry we couldn't-" Philza began to apologize before he was interrupted.

"It's my fault."

"No. No it is not." Phil looked at the teen sternly before continuing. "I just didn't bring enough supplies. I had no idea-"

"But it is my fault. I-"

"I don't know what that green bastard told you, but this was never your fault and never will be."

Tommy was embraced in another gentle hug before he was left to rest inside his childhood home. His father left to gather more supplies for the battle that was soon to come.


"Dad? I think I'm ready to talk."

"Ok Tommy, I'm listening."

Tommy started to tell his story of l'manberg and exile as his father's heart filled with rage and remorse.

"That place took one son from me. I'll be damned before I let it happen again."

A Family's Exile // Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now