Chapter 31

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"W-WAVE PLEASE forgive me... I did that—" she was cutted off when Wave shouted.

"Why?! Why did you do that?! Do you know how... How cruel my life become?! But you? The two of you were living a great life!!!" Wave broke in tears and Pang hugged him from behind.

"I am so sorry!! I have no choice!! They're after us!! With them thinking that we are dead you are safe!!" Wimala said as she is kneeling and crying.

"Safe?! You think I am safe?! You don't even know what I have came through!! I become a fucking experiment!! I got used..." Wave said and cried. "My life become worst..."

"Wave..." Pang called him.

"You left me thinking that my parents died, my grandparents doesn't really care about me!! I live like a rat!! A lab rat!!" Wave keeps on crying.

Suzy and Thee weren't saying anything they are shocked to see this. Wimala is begging and kneeling, she only did that for Sam also known as Sittichai Worachotmethee. She only did that when she thought she'll lose him.

"Y-you have no idea how many times... I almost killed myself just to escape everything..." Wave cried as Pang keeps on hugging him and stopping him.

"I was framed up by a fucking teacher but mo one believes me!!! I become a lab rat of that fucking director!!! And you have the guts to just say sorry? You think sorry can can change everything?! I need to take jobs just to strive and live!! Jobs!! More than ten at a time!!" Wave is so red now from crying as he is also shouting.

Wimala can't do anything she knows that he'll suffer but never once they did helped him. Never once they visited him to check on him, they didn't even know what he is like, anything, they didn't know.

"I... I am so sorry. I thought it's for the best." Wimala said as she cried.

"W-wave, calm down. Remember when your got erased? You didn't get mad at me." Pang said hoping Wave will come down.

"Because I told you to vanish!! That's why!! I am at fault!! I know it and I am also suffering at that time!! But atleast you did your best to help me, you help me on getting free education and help me with my life... But them? They didn't!! Even once!!" Wave shouted as he cried on Pang's arm.

"I know, I know, remember you told me that you didn't want me to lose my family? I also wanted for you to have a happy family, so please? Calm down and listen to her, it's okay if you won't accept her but please calm down, we can talk this out." Pang said while brushing his hands Wave's face wiping off his tears.

"Hmmm..." Wave said and nodded, he looked at her and take a deep breath, "I'll hear you out, but don't that I'll forgive you and I'll accept you."

"I-it's fine!! It's fine!!" Wimala said and smiled. "Thank you so much."

"S-so the reason why we are being hunted down because we have powers." Wimala said that caught both Pang and Wave's attention.

"Sam, Suzy, Thee and I we're friends since we're child. Both of us were born in 1978, we both live in province and we kind off you know... Reckless at our lives so we got into an accident." Wimala said and looked at Suzy and Thee.

"S-suzy, begun to change other's feelings towards her. We are shocked that everyone begun to be good to her, she's weird and is annoying but we suddenly just saw that others begun to like her." Wimala said and Suzy looked away.

"I have this power that I can't name, it gives me power to see one's emotion in their eyes even if they're away or they're eyes were closed. I also can change their said emotion." Suzy admitted and looked at Pang, "but I never used that on you nor on your father."

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