The Person I Cannot Be

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There are many influences one may have at a young age that inspire them to be what they shouldn't. Becoming those things to meet a self-set standard means you have diverted the path to accepting who you truly are.

As a child growing up dealing with abuse, I had no proper role models. This led me to learn from popular people in the media. One popular person, in particular, Gazzy Garcia. That's right. I the lyrical rapper that preaches about the bad influence rappers like him have used to be a fan. I would even defend him.

I had no proper role models and saw this successful person in the music industry so young and saw inspiration. I had nobody telling me that I should not replicate his actions and saw how much he was enjoying himself. He was on top of the world rapping about drugs, sex, and money. This is what influenced me.

Hearing gangsta rap may make me want to be like that as is the same with drug rap. Neither of those things are who I truly am. I am not a hardcore gang banger, nor am I a junkie. Those lifestyles may be tempting and look cool but they are not mine.

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