(One-Shot/Random) Taking care of him, Part Three

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In Ask and Dare House.
(In the garden)

Mr. Asahi: C'mon Hikaru!

Hyuga: You can almost do it!

Hikaru: I-i'm t-trying..!!

Everyone do their own business while the Bombers and Asahi family helping Hikaru walking. He can stand but everytime he try to walk he will feel pain on his legs and fall down.

Raika: 'It's like teaching a baby how to walk' 😅

Hikaru: I'm- AH!! *fall down* Huh?

Mrs. Asahi: *catch Hikaru's body*Got you!

Hikaru: Sthh.. Hngh! *hug his left leg* It's hurts..

Hyuga: It's okay Hikaru! We can-

Shu: Guys! Lunch is ready!

All: Okay!!

Mrs Asahi slowly lead Hikaru to his wheelchair and push him straight to kitchen where are the others waiting for them. Hikaru feel happy that he can stand but at the same time he feel useless because he can't do anything like he always do and always depends on people to help him.

Everyone eating happily and talking about something fun while Hikaru just eat quietly don't have appetite to eat. hyuga who was chatting realize of his brother's change of being silent. He know Hikaru didn't like to look useless to everyone.

Shu who was eating his food peacefully as he hear at Valt story look at the silence Helios blader. Being quiet it's not Hikaru's style at all so he knew that young blader got a problem.

After eating their lunch the young blader were running outside for the beybattle as the others watch them with blank face. For Hikaru, since got nothing to do he just take his tablet and wheelchairing to the garden. Someplace quite and peaceful so he can clear his mind. He took out his bey Helios and stare at him with guilty face.

Hikaru: I'm sorry Helios.. I know you must be so disappointed because i can't beyblade right now.*sniff* B-but don't worry i promise.. after i fully recover, i will practice until we got stronger.

Hikaru can feel Helios aura which gave him the courage not to give up. He smile and wipe his tears which is can't stop from falling down from his eyes.

???: You really felt like that? Hikaru?

Hikaru almost yelp in surprise at a voice that suddenly sounded very close to his ear. He turned his wheelchair around and saw the figure of a blonde male in a white coat. No one else, Ranjiro Kiyama. The blue haired blader sigh in relief because it might be a trouble if a stranger approach him. He don't want the same thing happen again.

Hikaru: *sigh* Thank goodness it just you. You make me scared you know!

Ranjiro: Yeah i know.. i'm sorry. So, what are you doing? It's cold outside. Talking to Helios again?

Hikaru: H-How did you know!? How long you been here!?//

Ranjiro: *sigh* Long enough to heard you said how useless you are.

Hikaru: ... Ah.. U-uhm.. *tear on his eyes* hngh..//

Ranjiro: Look Hikaru it dosen't mean you can't beyblade or make the other people don't need you, it dosen't mean you're useless you know..*touch Hikaru's face tenderly *

Hikaru: I-i know.. i-it just-

Hikaru shutter in fear. He don't know what to the to the Raknarok blader. His brain feel empty. He can't even think anything right now. He don't know what to do except touch Ranjiro's hand and let out his tears looking for comfort. Ranjiro knelt down and hug the lime eyed blader. As a older brother he knew the pressure to be the best example for his brother.

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