(One-Shot/Request) Sick Love (Lui x Shu)

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Requested by Bellxransurocks

Lui POV:

I move my legs running to my snowflakes apartment. I got called by Fubuki he said Shu suddenly passed out during doing his work. Yes, the one and only Shu Kurenai. We been dating almost 5 month now after Akabane crowned as a new beyblade world champion. Damn.

I stand infront of his apartment door knocking as i waiting someone to open them. Impatiently. I hope Sumiye didn't leave my snowflake alone when he sick if he do that, i'll make sure i will snap his neck.

End Lui POV

Lui cross his arm on his chest as he heard someone walking to the door then the door sound unlocked. Opening slowing revealing young blonde with red eyes.

Fubuki: Lui Shirosagi...*sigh* Come in.

Lui walk inside the house looking at his surroundings. A simple design for a apartment with some Japanese touch and Lui already knew Shu are the one who did that.

Lui: Where is he?

Fubuki: In his room.

Lui nodded as he walk to Spryzen blader's room while Fubuki doing his stuff in the kitchen. Lui take a deep breath before his hand unscrew the door knob looking at his lover's room. Grey wall with a single bed and table for work and bookshelf. He walk quietly to the table spot a picture frame of his lover and beyclub and him. Lui sigh softly and take Spryzen beside Shu and his picture and Luinor from his pocket. Smiling softly.

???: Lui..?

Lui let out a yelp almost drop the beys on the ground. He put the beys on the table and turn around looking at sick albino blader who is wearing oversize shirt sitting on the bed coughing softly. Lui sit on the bed beside Shu as smile and place a soft kiss on the Spryzen blader cheek.

Lui: Hello snowflake.. I'm home.

Shu: When did you come here? Did Fubuki knew you are here- *cough* Ow..

Lui look at red eyed blader with worried face as he touch the red eyed blader forehead and touch his cheek.

Lui: Shu, you have a high fever.. your forehead is really hot. Shu, this is the third time you been like this.

Shu smile softly at the white tyrant action. This is the thing he love about the Lui. Even he look really cold outside but he really kind and soft inside. The way Lui talk to him with soft voice tone remind him back when the Luinor blader confessed to him back in day.

"I love you Shu,will you be my boyfriend?"

That was a sweet memories that he will never forget in his life. Shu snap out from his thought after heard the white tyrant calling his name. He stares at the worried violet eyes and giggles softly.

Shu: *giggles* Sharkie, I'm fine..*cough* It just a fever..

???: It's not fine at all.

Lui and Shu turn their heads to the door looking at Ferneus blader standing at the door with food tray. Shu felt guilty because he made his student and his lover worried about him. He look at Fubuki's eyes revealing how worry is he to him.

The young blader walk and place the tray on the table beside Shu's bed. He take out the thermometer and check his mentor's temperature.

Fubuki: *sigh* You boiling, Shu. You should take a rest from work. Your fever getting worsen lately.

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