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The bell rang and i finally got released from the most boring class i have to attend, chemistry.
Ive been here for two years, studying psychology and i still don't understand why i gotta attend this shitty class, so useless.
anyway today is kind of a special day because my university finally found a tutor for English literature whose first class is today.
Im excited and i hope this professor knows what's he's talking about, on my last school we also had this class but the teacher chose white men as authors of the books we were studying only.
Every time i tried to suggest a book of a female author he would simply say "that's not the Niveau we're working on, those books are way to low for an English literature class like ours" so i think you understand why i want someone more mature as tutor.

At the Gordon's university we don't have much of a break in between our classes they believe it distracts us from being effective,
so i go to the water fountain, fill up my bottle and head directly to the next class.
I wanted to be early so i can get a good seat, not in the front row but also not to much in the back of the class so i can't hear a damn thing.
As i entered the room the seats were empty, with a satisfied smile i choose the perfect seat and make myself comfortable.

The bell rang again, the room was filling up with students and it automatically became louder till all seats were taken and the tutor was walking in.
My first impression, he is tall, kind of formally, very masculine, if i would see him on the streets i wouldn't think about him as a teacher.
He wears a thight up dark blue suit and he's actually a little bit intimidating by the hard look on his face.
I would say he is one of those teachers you just have to look at and you instantly know discipline will be important within the next few weeks.
Perhaps i actually do need to work for this class.
But I don't have a problem with that at all, im here to learn, mostly at least.

As the professor started to inform us what materials we would be needing for this class i feel someone poking my shoulder from behind me. Confused i turn around to look into a smiling face, it was some sunny boy sitting behind me.
i gave him a what-look but he doesn't react so i whisper with slight annoyance
"may i help you with something?"
"just wanted to ask the prettiest girl in this room for a pencil" the smirk on his face grew with every word he spoke.
"You couldn't have think of more cheesy words, could you? " i snicker back while handing him a pencil.
He took the pen and laughed, i rolled my eyes before turning around and focusing on the teachers words again. Still feeling his gaze on me.
"these information should do it for now, to me as a person : my full name is Thomas Hiddleston but u may call me Mr. Hiddleston, i don't like crawlers at all so don't even try. I wont be mean, unfair or biased and i will treat you with respect if you will do the same with me. So if you're an asshole to me, pardon my language, i will have the same attitude towards you. Any questions ?"
Pretty overwhelmed by his little speech the class stays quiet.
"Good then we will start with a Novel written by Virginia Woolf, some of you may know it already, we are going to read 'to the lighthouse' ".


The first book and its a female author, i already love this class, although some of the boys in the room seem annoyed by the chosen titel there are a few huffs and scoffs, including mr sunnyboy right behind me.
A little side note for myself, i really like our professors thick British accent, it suits him and his subject quite well. It makes everything a little more intense and listening is way easier to such a soothing voice.

Anyway the class is over and as i packed my stuff into my backpack i got another poke into my upper shoulder. Already knowing who i would turn around to, i set up my best charming smile and arched my brow
" just wanted to give you your pencil back, not that you think that i stole it, that's not my intention." The boy from early grinned in my face. "And what exactly is your intention?" I ask tilting my head to the right side.
"Well" the big smirk was back on his face as if he wanted me to ask this question, "my first intention would be going out with you."
"was that suppose to be an invitation, for a student of an English literature class your vocabulary is very low" i interrupt.
"Of course how could i forget, would you, my mystery lady, i don't know the name of, accompany me by a romantic candlelight dinner?" He bend over while speaking to place a kiss on my hand.
"Oh i am very flattered by your offer but that's a little bit too forward for me, depending on i don't even know your name, mystery boy."
"I'm Tyler. So now you know me." I laughed and shrugged it off.
"i appreciate your trying but im really not looking for this kind of relationship with someone now." I said politely turning around again and walking out of the class into the hall.

School day's over and since i don't really wanna go home im heading to the school library where i usually spent most of my free time.
Its not like its that horrible at home but my dad is pretty shitty most of the time, my mom is an actual angel shes sweet, kind and like the most angelic women she has a shitty taste in men. Shes working really hard because shes the only one working besides me and i only have a mini job, i help out in an old bookshop so nothing big. I also have a younger brother who goes to a privat school so he's never home.
So with my mom working 24/7 and my brother living in his school its just me and my dad at home. I don't think i have to explain this any way further, you get the point. That's why I'm always trying to be somewhere else and not at home.

Its so peaceful in libraries, quiet, harmless and the best part about it, books everywhere. I could spent my whole live in here if i didn't have any responsibilities.
After i got a book out of the shelf i sit down in my favorite corner where colorful seat bags lie on the floor and start drifting into another universe.
Although I went home pretty early for my standards, i knew my dad would be going out drinking at some point if i didn't show up soon enough after school its this kind of a season for football or whatever.

My room is pretty big, since im like an only child i got the big room and if my brother comes home for holidays he has a smaller one of his own.
As you can imagine i have hundreds of bookshelves and they are growing almost every day, i have read every single one of them and they are all perfect in their own way.
Good, enough about books i need to get stuff done because its impossible to make chores when my dad returns.

I finished everything right on time as i heard the front door opening, i ran up the stairs to my room lock the door and pretend not to hear, see or do anything so my father will think im asleep and hopefully leave me the fuck alone.
I hear his footsteps coming up the stairs
my heart rate picks up
i held my breath
the footsteps make a halt at my door then i hear knocking
I feel like im in a damn horror movie, its almost as if i could smell the alcohol through the door.
Everything is quiet.
"NIA "
He's right, im crying
"I just want to talk to my pretty girl"
im disgusted how fast he can shamelessly change his voice, pretending to be nice
I stay quiet, and finally for my sake ,he leaves.
You see nothing bad actually happens but i know it would if he had enough brain cells do get through the locked door.

Running away from al my problems im calling my friend Katie, we talk almost everyday but since we are like 500 km apart from each other it gets harder.
Of course i have other friends too but you know how you have friends who know you and then you have friends your just good with, i don't think i need to explain the concept of how some friendships work, we all have some of both.
Katie just knows me, all of my not-self-loving-chubby-24-year-old-self.

The day is finally over, it sound kinda strange but im glad i have some extra classes tomorrow so i can stay longer in school.

English Literature ~ Tom HiddlestonWhere stories live. Discover now