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Waking up all alone in this big house is not that bad anymore, im getting used to it and i don't mind it at all if that means i don't have to see my dad. Its 9 am already but i didn't have any early classes today which im thankful for, i will be staying longer in school anyway today.
So i got myself ready and went on my way to school.

The time passed and the day was pretty normal till i went down the hall and heard a boys voice right behind me "hey my mystery lady, how are you doing". It was the sunny boy from yesterday. "Are you stalking me now. Following me around and waiting to catch up on me"
Its not like we were friends all of a sudden.  "Oh pretty girl you wish i would find you this interesting. But it seems as if we are gonna see each other more often now don't you think?" He said while we were standing in the hallway.
"Well that might happen when we study at the same university" I answered with a light smile. „But i think it can be avoided  if we just try hard enough" i tease.
"I'm looking forward to it, well at least the first part" he winked at me and then went his way.
I mean he's just being kind but he's also kind of flirting with me and I'm not really used to it.
Not that no one has ever flirted with me, I know I'm pretty but the fact that I'm chubby makes most of the guys turn their head not a second time. It's not that im like that shy virgin girl, im just not quite used to men being nice to me. Bad experiences so far i guess.
I turned around the corner of the hallway looking down at the ground still in thoughts as i bumped into someone.
"Oh shit! Im sorry" i mumbled while I helped the man pick up his dropped papers.
"It's fine...., maybe the hallway isn't the right place for daydreaming" he said sternly and because of the known accent I looked up and saw my professor.
"Oh Mr. Hiddleston, I didn't ... I wasn't daydreaming.. I'm sorry" God how embarrassing
"Like I said it's fine" he said quickly and stormed of. He seemed in a rush.
He smells good
I mean his cologne has a good sense
Ugh that wasn't really a good impression, let's just hope he didn't recognized me, i mean we only had one first class yesterday.

The day went on and it was afternoon when I finished all of my classes. I thought about meeting up with some friends so i don't have to go home yet.
So i pulled my phone out and texted a friend group of mine. They all live in the same city as i do so its easier to meet up spontaneously. While texting, i walked to the library to kill some time.
I sat down in my usual corner, made my homework and worked on some stuff for school.
It didn't take long and my friends Ella and Ayla texted back. Ayla was out with Milo, a friend of ours and suggested to meet up at a bar, where we were quite often this semester. It was only a few blocks away so i packed my things and left.
On the walk to the bar the air was getting chilly and i cursed myself for not bringing a jacket. It would be warmer at the bar though.

As i came through the door, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes hitted my nose. I looked across the room and saw my Friends sitting at our usual table waving me over.
„Hey guys ! How's it going?" i greeted them.
„Heyyy good how about you, you look tired." Ella answered and were playfully hit by Ayla in her side for the second part of her sentence. „That's not how you greet people," Ayla said laughing „ you can't instantly address something like this. You look great Nia don't listen to her. Come on sit down."  Ayla made some room for me on the bench, she knew i liked having an overview of the room im sitting in and the bench was against the wall so no one could be behind me. Milo scooted over to one of the chairs so us girls could enjoy the bench.
„I didn't know we cant be honest anymore" Ella shrugged and took a sip of her beer. „you know that's not what i meant i just thought if you come to meet friends i, the first thing you want to hear isnt how shitty you look." Ayla took a sip of her cocktail, she really wasn't a beer person. „Okay girls, lets just get another round and stop talking about the proper way to greet someone.  Im going to get us the drinks, Nia what would you like?" Milo asked. „I'll just take a beer for now" i answered.
As Milo walked away the girls looked at me as if they were expecting something.
„What?" i asked. „What do you mean what, don't you have something you wanna tell us?" Ella spoke fast, as if she was in a rush. „You never want to meet up unless something happened or you have some tea." she added.
„What that's not true, we meet up all the time just for fun! I wanted to see you, talk a bit, i don't even know what's really going on in your lives." i defended myself. Ayla and Ella weren't having it and gave me a look. After a short time of silence Ayla said „well okay, if you don't have any tea, i have to tell you something before Milo comes back with our drinks."
Ella and me were waiting patiently for her dramatic pause to be over.
„We made out two days ago at a pool party at one of his friends house. Like heavily made out. At first it was like pretty secretly but the later it got the more open he was about it with his friends and even kissed me in front of them, he also said like cute things and stuff. But we didn't talk about it then and haven't still. I don't know what that's supposed to mean, like are we together or are we more friends with benefits ? I don't know what i - „
„Shh he's coming back" i quickly shushed her.
„There you go ladies, another round for everyone."
We thanked him and started a knew conversation.
It got pretty late and i decided to go home since i would have classes tomorrow morning.
„It was great seeing all of you, we need to catch up more often." i said while standing up getting ready to go.
„True, we have to spent more time together. Get home save and text one of us when you got there!" Ayla said
„Yeah text us, we still have a lot to discuss" Ella agreed and winked at Ayla because of the story from earlier.
We all said goodbye and i walked to the bus station. It was too windy to walk all the way home now.

At home i immediately changed into something comfortable, texted my friends that i got home save and lay down in my bed.


Hey sorry that i took so long to post
I had some mental issues and needed time off social media including Wattpad
I hope You enjoy this chapter and i wont take so long for number 3, Promise :)

English Literature ~ Tom HiddlestonWhere stories live. Discover now