Truth be revealed 🕴

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     Hey guys!!!!
             I know that most of you are eager to read this fanfic 😁 cause as a hardcore fan of twilight and pjo this is a story that I want to complete so u guys can read it.....

    These Past days I have been in a writers block because the lockdown completely shut my imagination .....but however I have gathered all the pieces since I don't really remember the start of my story much.........I am gonna finish this....... 

¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢Pray that I don't get diatracted¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢

Let the show. Begin####


Continuation of last chapter ....

They all joined in on a group hug.


It was all a mess.Even the time I layed unconscious was not left .Tarturus tortured me again by showing the gruesome deaths of my friends and family.
Although I am grateful to be awake from that never ending loop of sleep and nightmare.
how am I gonna convince my cousins that I am beyond help.......
Not even the gods can go against a titan.
I wokeup in the place I most desired to be in .....the beach.Thalia and Jason along with nico said 'Percy you should have told us'."I didn't know what I had to say , what that tarturus was personally torturing me and have you guys pity on me.even the gods can't do anything".

I didntv really mean to say any of that  and I know that they would never pity me  but all this pent up anger and sorrow , its getting the better of me.
AFTER the little encountrr ,we went back to the house and was met with the Cullen's and the pack.
'Look guys I am more than willing to explain our little situation but I am hella tired I need some time.'. I said this and walked out of the house but not before warning Thals not to tell them the truth.I walked back to the beach .It was a sirene silence except the sound of the waves and the smell of ocean drifted into my nose.
I put all of my sorrows behind and removed my shirt but I got on the sand and layed there since  I felt one of the pack members watching me from a distance.I suppose Thalia convinced them with a pretty good story of my break up.After a good 15 minutes I returned to the Cullen's house.but seems like all was not well.the tension in the room could be cut with a knife . as I stepped in all eyes were on me.......


What's next??????
Any guess?

Will he reveal himself or not ?
Will the Cullen's and the pack be mesmerised or threatened by this new found knowledge .


Its time to bream the tension in the room.

Guess people ...Guess....

Well since I have returned after so long i thought add some of my handiwork .....hope youblike it!

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