Chapter 5

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It was.... The necklace I wanted.

"Aw thank you oppa. But how did you know I liked it?" I asked.

" I saw you looking at it in the store" I answered. He opened my gift.

" aww thank you princess I love it." He said walking over the my seat to give me a hug.

" I love your gift as well." We went home because we decided not to go walking. We came home around 5:00. Everyone had already ate and wasn't hungry. Donghae went to go take I shower. I went to watch some tv. I sat next to Eunhyuk who was watching " SHINee -Hello Baby"

" toon in next week for our special guess.... Tiffany!" Eunyuk looked at me.

" Tiffany? You never told me you applied." He said

" I applied before I moved here and all of a sudden I got picked I guess " I answered quietly.

" oh okay how long will you be gone? " I questioned me.

" I don't know I'll call be right back" I said while walking to my room. I walked into my room and grabbed my phone. I called Key oppa but he didn't answer. I called Jonghyun. Thankfully he picked up.

" hello?" He asked

" hey Jonghyun it's Tiff, " I answered.

" oh hey Tiffany! You know your the special guess on Hello Baby right?" He said

" yeah that's why I called, I was wondering how long I was going to be there." I said

" well you can choose to be here for one day then we can drive you home or you can stay over night and go home in the morning" he said answering my question.

" ok I might stay over night and go home in the morning" I said. I heard my name coming from Donghae's room.

" okay bye Tiff see you tomorrow." He said. I walked into Donghae's room.

" you called?" I asked.

" yeah I just saw on tv that you got special guess on Hello Baby with SHINee." He answered.

" oh yeah, I applied before I moved, I'm leaving tomorrow and I might stay over night." I told him. I left the room and started packing stuff for the baby and the guys. I got Key a shirt the has his name on it with himself on it as well. I got Jonghyun a pillow shape as the letter J. I got the baby some power ranger toys. I got Taemin some shoes, I got Minho a tshirt with his name and himself on it like Key's. for Onew when I get the ill stop by KFC and get him some chicken. Soon it was already 10:00 so I went to sleep. I got a text message from Donghae, it said... " Good night princess ill wake up early tomorrow to drop you off at shinees dorm, I love you please sleep well." I answered.... " good night my prince I love you too." Soon I already fell asleep.

" Tiffany, wake up." I heard some say to me. I opened my eyes and smiled. It was Donghae!

" morning princess, did you sleep well? Get ready we gotta go soon." He said

" Morning oppa, yeah I slept well." I said. I got ready and we left. Before we left I made breakfast for everyone. I said good bye and we both left. The drive was only 15 minutes long. We finally arrived.

" oppa are you coming in?" I asked him

" no I think I'm okay" he answered.

" okay good bye oppa, ill text you later." I said walking out the door. I waved good bye to him again. I knocked on the door, I looked back and saw that donghae was getting ready to go. Someone opened the door, it was Onew oppa.

" it's Tiffany! Please come in." He said. I walked in the warm house, every body was still sleeping, I couldn't blame them it was only 8:30 am. Everyone was sleeping on the ground. I quietly put my stuff down while Onew went back to sleep. I sat by the wall and went on my phone. A few minutes later I heard the baby crying. I didn't know what to do, I went to go check up on him. He wouldn't stop crying. Soon someone came in to the room. It was Key.

" oh Tiffany when did you come?" He asked scratching his head.

" I came a few minutes ago. I saw that you guys we still sleeping so I didn't want to disturb you guys." I answered him.

" oh okay " he said smiling. Soon everyone was awake. I made everyone breakfast. After breakfast I gave everyone there gifts. After breakfast we played a game who ever lost had to clean up.

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