Chapter 9 - Kalix

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Name: Elizabeth Valeria Nightingale

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: - - -

Social Rank: B

Clearance Level: 2

The pCard identity display lights up my left monitor, and I pause, cursor hovering over the date of birth info field. It would certainly make my life a lot easier if my fake identity were an adult. Staring at my reflection in the right monitor, I scrutinize the face staring back at me. I've been told I can pass for a few years older. Maybe I'll say I'm 18.

Date of Birth: April 05, 2102

As for social rank and clearance level, I kept them average, unnoticeable. While I could easily set my clearance to a top-level 6 — which would probably come in handy — it's more important that my new persona appears inconspicuous. For an 18-year-old, level 2 is pretty normal, and a social rank of B is nothing to worry or brag about. That reminds me, though, I'll have to set up a fake SocialConnect account as well.

Finally, I add a photo to the profile, after editing it sufficiently so that facial recognition software couldn't recognise it as me.

Sitting back in my chair, I admire my handiwork. I've programmed my Identity Profile, synced it with a new pCard, and hacked into the Identity Database to make it look like the ID was created 18 years ago, when "Elizabeth Nightingale" was born. It took almost all day yesterday, and a few more hours today, but it's not like I have much else to do on a weekend.

The plan's been forming in my head for over a week now — how to evade the authorities if it's discovered that I'm xCodebreaker01

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The plan's been forming in my head for over a week now — how to evade the authorities if it's discovered that I'm xCodebreaker01.

My first priority would have to be getting out of the country. The best bet is the United European Kingdom, because it's far away, uses the Universal Language and is populated enough that I could easily blend in and go unnoticed.

Step one, get to the airport without being recognized. If I get found out, I can probably assume the UNBI knows about the Xaria Clarke alias and from there can figure out the infrared camera trick. That means I won't be able to use the IR facial concealer when escaping, because they'll be able to monitor the security and street cameras for the telltale flash of light. Instead, I'll have to disguise myself, and keep my head turned away from cameras to avoid facial recognition. I already downloaded a map of the route to the airport and marked all the locations with cameras.

In case they do somehow follow me to the airport and find out where I'm going, I'll be taking several stops before actually flying to my destination. I haven't bought the tickets, of course, since I don't need to run away yet, but my plan is to fly first to France, then from there to the United States, and then, finally, to London, England, each time with a different alias. That way, if the UNBI finds out about my first flight from Japan, they'll still just think I've gone to France. Oh, and did I mention I'll be tossing my phone — once factory reset, of course — into the carry-on of an unsuspecting stranger headed to Costa Rica? And sending a suitcase to South Africa.

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