Chapter 23 - Kalix (mostly)

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Luggage and pCard in hand, I slip out the back door. My hair is in two braids, and I used some temporary lightener to make it appear more brown than black. I'm wearing brown coloured contact lenses and makeup — it's light but still changes my appearance — and a sunhat which casts a shadow over my face. I'll also have to avoid the cameras, and keep my face hidden as best I can. It's not perfect, but it's the best I can do without my infrared facial concealer.

I arrive at the airport at 11:50pm. I have a 1:00am flight to France, and luckily, it doesn't take long to get through border security, despite the issue of my current persona not, you know, being a real person. Compared to some of my past "projects", hacking the ID database wasn't even too hard. I scan every screen in sight as I walk through the corridors, hoping the UNBI hasn't figured out who I am yet. My disguise is OK, but if my face suddenly shows up on every screen, someone will surely recognise me.

* * *

"Next," the woman standing by the entrance to the hovercraft calls, and I walk up, trying to hide my nervousness. "Name?"

"Hello, my name is Nicolette Lacroix," I say, trying to alter my voice with a slight French accent, while handing her my fake identification card and the temporary pCard which contains my boarding pass.

She scans my cards and looks at the hologram profile that comes up, glancing at the photo to make sure it's me.

"Could you remove your hat, please?" She asks, and I do. The woman nods, looking at the photo. "Thank you, Miss Lacroix," she smiles and hands me my cards, and I breathe a sigh of relief, quickly putting my sunhat back on.

I try my best not to fidget anxiously throughout the whole flight, but I can't help the nervous energy. Out of the three flights I'll be taking, and the three different identities, this one's the hardest. It would be difficult to find, but there are still ties connecting my real identity to Alias Number 1.

MEANWHILE - Agent Cassanova

Anticipation courses through me as I watch the Tokyo UNBI agents approach the door through one of their body cams. Finally. I'm reassigned to the case — well, not quite reassigned, but that's just a matter of paperwork — and finally, finally, I've accomplished what I'd been working at for months. I've found her. I've found xCodebreaker01.

One of the agents knocks loudly on the door.

After a minute or so with no answer, she knocks again.

"This is the UNBI, could you open the door, please?" she shouts, maintaining a tone that is both polite and strict.

A second agent gave her an uncertain look before glancing at the unmarked police cars parked at the curb. I shake my head and press the button on my headset.

"No backup, not yet. Try the door again."

She obliges, but with a little less patience.

"This is the UNBI, open the door!"

After what seems like forever, the door cracks open and a sleepy-looking, middle aged woman steps out. It's Eloisa Raven, the mother, although she looks quite different from her IDDB profile... tired, for one thing.

"Raven-san?" The agent confirms.

"Mhmm, uh, yes. Just Ellie, please. Umm, what seems to, uh, be the matter?"

"Ellie, is your daughter here? Kalixieta?"

She looks confused, disconcerted, but gestures vaguely upstairs.

"She's, ah, probably sleeping." Ellie clears her throat and calls in the direction of the stairs. "Kalix? Kalix, umm, there's someone at the door for you!"

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