Take 33

112 6 3


Waking up with the rays of sunlight hitting my face, I groaned as I felt the weight on my head, shoulders, and abdomen. Lifting my head up, I realized my body was facing down all this time.

I tried to get up from my upside-down position but something heavy was really preventing me to do so.

"John! You shag, get off me." I complained and tried to push him off of me only to realize that we're on the cold, wooden floor of the kitchen.

"F*ck." I cursed while gently removing John's head that was resting on my buttock and grabbed a nearby pillow for it to rest on safely. Sitting up, I was just thankful to be able to stretch my back to observe everything around me and—

Holy cow.

This place is a nightmare.

Random stuff are lying around where they aren't supposed to be. There's rotten pasta on top of the television, cornflakes scattered on the floor along with spilled cans of soda, and for some unknown reason our laundry is being scattered everywhere in the house as if a mad man just thought of running around with our laundry piles.

To prove that, Martha the cat is found sleeping on one of our underwear... whoever unfortunate Beatle owns it.

Not to mention, the furnitures themselves are being disarrayed. The coffee table is being turned down and the couch and the sofa is not on its usual straight positions like how Jude arranges them every single day. The television machine is slanted and everything is just not in order.

Even the pillows that are supposed to stay in the bedroom managed to fly out here in the living room.

Seriously, what on earth just happened here? Either it's being trashed by a group of drunk people or a brachiosaurus stomped its way here or a tornado flew in or maybe altogether!

It's plain chaos, I'm telling ya.

"Jude? Paul? Ringo?" I called like a desperate child asking for help. That's where I felt my world spinning. Damn, is this much worse than a hangover.

Intending to grab some aspirin in the medicine cabinet, what I saw at the bottom of the fridge made me stop.

"Hare Krishna!"

I semi-covered my eyes at this.

There lies below the refrigerator's feet, is Jude, wearing nothing but her pajamas and... brassiere.

Breathing nervously without thinking twice, I took my shirt off and gathered all the courage within me to come closer to her and wrap my shirt around her half-naked body.

There, she'll do good. Hopefully...

"GAAAAAAAH!" Somebody shrieked.

And just like lightning, Jude rose up from her sleeping position out of surprise while I turned my head to wherever the shouting came from.

"Sh*t!" Jude cursed and the minute she got hold of my shirt, she immediately threw it on her body. "Where the fudge did that came from?"

"I-I-I don't know." Just then, the bathroom door opened with a bang and two people came out. One was wearing all black while the other got his lean body squeezed in a very tight pink shirt.

Hold it. Paul?!

"JUDE! Thank goodness you're alive!" The man wearing all black turns out to be James who looks worried out of his mind.

"James?! What are you doing here, you messed up idiot!" Jude questions in complete confusion. Judging on everyone's appearance at the very moment; James looked like he haven't slept a wink, Jude's got her hair and saliva all over her face, Paul was shaking and sweating whilst the tight shirt wasn't helping, John is still sleeping on the floor peacefully, Ringo is nowhere to be found, while I was just standing there... shirtless.

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