5. ᴅᴏᴜʙᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇᴄɪꜱɪᴏɴꜱ

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We are dreamers..

...dreaming realities.

Mikey and Draken were walking down the streets of Shibuya as they talked on about one thing or the other

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Mikey and Draken were walking down the streets of Shibuya as they talked on about one thing or the other.

Mikey - being the foodie he was - got hungry and so they both made a quick detour to a place nearby.

"I'd advise you to visit y/n even more than you already do", Draken voiced while they both sat down with their food.

"What do you mean?", Mikey asked confusedly.

Draken gave a sigh before continuing to talk.

"I just have a bad feeling that's all. With all the rumours i've been hearing lately, Osanai might pull some shit like what he did to Pah's buddy".

"How would they even know about her? I've only ever told you and the others", he swatted his hands from side to side exemplifying that his notion was impossible.

"This is Moebius we're talking about", he retorted with a stern expression.

He had a point. Moebius were a gang of ruthless and downright heartless delinquents. To go as far as to beat someone up and furthermore raping their girlfriend and injuring their family was to tell you that they weren't playing around nor were they peacemakers.

"They won't get the chance to hurt her".

He had only recently made a promise to Y/N to keep her safe at all costs, he wasn't about to break that promise because of a few rumours.

Although, Draken shouldn't be misunderstood. He didn't doubt Mikey's abilities for one second. He knew he was fully capable of protecting Y/N. He was just letting Mikey know.


Mikey placed a small knock on the door before slowly opening it with a box of taiyaki in hand to make up for the other day that he forgot it.

As he walked into the room, the girl's eyes were instantly directed to the cakes that were in Mikey's hand.

Not even bothering to greet the boy, she brought her hand out in front of her, her eyes lighting up in excitement, waiting for him to hand it to her.

He sighed followed by a small chuckle before placing the box of treats in her hand.

"Not even a hello?", Mikey pouted.

"Thank you!", she signed before pulling him into a tight hug but quickly pulled away to ask him something.

"Which type of filling is it?", she signed, narrowing her eyes at the blondie. Did he really know her as well as he claimed?

"Red bean paste", he signed.

She gave him a thumbs up and flashed him a sweet smile before digging into the treats.

He loved seeing her happy and would do anything to keep that smile on her face, at any cost at all.

After all, her happiness was his happiness.

"Hey Y/n? You know you can text me when i'm not around right?", he signed before bringing her phone out of the drawer.

She frowned at the sight of it. Y/n did not like using her phone at all. She had no real reason but she rarely used it.

Mikey noticed her frown and decided to try and encourage the girl.

"We can FaceTime in the evenings after visiting hours", he suggested in which he earned a nod from Y/n.

"I'd like that", she signed.

Although Y/n wouldn't be able to hear if Mikey calls her, they would make it work. She'd be the one to call him instead.

Mikey went silent for a while which made Y/n ponder as to what exactly he could be thinking about.

She gave a light tap on his shoulder which broke him out of his temporary trance.

"If something bad happened, you'd let me know right?", he signed.

It greatly saddened Y/n to know that he was constantly worrying about her but she nonetheless found it reassuring.

"You don't need to worry. And besides, i'm really strong", she signed and flexed her fictitious arm muscles causing Mikey to let out a small laugh.

Mikey sneakily brought his hand up to the box of taiyaki in Y/n's hands but quickly retreated it from the small slap that was placed on it.

"But Y/nnn I bought them!", he whined, trying to plead with the girl who was hugging the box tightly.

She thought for a second before placing one in his hands.

"Just one, since i'm nice", she signed.

He gave a closed eye smile to the girl.

"Thank you my love"

A/N: i feel like i'm mixing up the leaders of moebius because of all the time leaping and stuff but then again it's a fanfiction

make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night <3

Author out

Word count: 795 wordsDate: 29/6/21           (D/M/Y)

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Word count: 795 words
Date: 29/6/21

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