16. ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ

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Read with angsty music, recommended music above <3

I loved her.

Mikey watched as the girl hopped from rock to rock which were situated in a small stream.

I loved her so much.

She stopped and turned around to see Mikey trying to catch up with her. "Like I said, I won't fall! Im halfway there already", she signed followed by a small giggle.

We were happy.

As she turned around to get to the end, she felt her leg slip on the rock from how slippery the water had made it which made her fall right into the water.

So then..

Mikey let out a sigh and hurried to help her up. "You see? I told you you'd fall".

Why did she have to leave me?

She blinked a few times before she let out a joyful laugh as she flicked back her now wet hair. "It was fun though, right?", she signed.

Why did things have to change.

"Yeah, it was", he signed as he laughed along with her.


The gathering was small and sorrowful.

Oh how his heart was weeping.

Mikey's face was numb and void of emotion. He had just lost the most important thing to him and it was just all too much to bear.

He hated the stiff feeling that engulfed the small hall, the black clothes and mournful weeps of others only adding to the depressing mood.

He stood at the back on the hall as everyone each took their turns standing at her coffin- which was beautifully decorated with an array of white roses and lilies- and paying their respects.

Mikey caught a glimpse of Y/n's parents and to his surprise, her mother was crying while her father patted the woman's back with a melancholic look etched on his face.

He was angered by this, reason being that they'd never done anything to support the girl. No words of encouragement, no nothing and yet Y/n still wished for their happiness. To him, they didn't deserve an inch of her kindness.

It soon came his turn and he slowly walked up to the case in which his lover was placed. His eyes moved to the picture of her that was placed there.

She looked so damn happy.

Why couldn't he do one simple thing- keep her smile?

Now, there was nothing he could do. It was too late.

He quickly bowed and made his way outside to receive some much needed fresh air.

As he got outside, he was met with Mitsuya who had his arm over his face, choking on his tears.

Mikey approached him and stood next to him with his hands in his pockets, looking up at the sky with that same numb look on his face.

Mitsuya heard footsteps approaching him and looked up at Mikey through his tear stained vision who only kept his gaze fixated on the grey clouds.

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