12. ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴇꜱᴄᴀᴘᴇ

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She dreaded the thought, but reality is..

...this story of theirs would sadly come to an end soon.

this story of theirs would sadly come to an end soon

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"Mhm! Anything you want", Mikey signed.

It was the next day and he wanted to make up for last night. Y/n tried to convince him that it wasn't his fault but he wouldn't budge. He was very persistent. Plus he wanted to get her mind off the events of last night.

"Anything?", she signed.


Y/n brought her hand up to her chin in thought. Anything she wanted... she had to think hard, she wasn't just gonna throw this chance away.

"Take me outside", she signed.

Mikey looked at her with wide eyes. Her request was out of his power.

"And not to the roof I mean outside outside", she signed.

"You did say anything", Mitsuya added with a small grin.

He didn't lie...that was what he said.

"I don't think I can do—", Y/n cut him off by signing:

"You can, we can sneak out! It'll be fun".

Technically speaking, it was possible but the risks of getting caught were very high and moving around with a wheelchair would make it even harder to sneak around.

Mikey gave her an uncertain look.

"Please?", she signed before clasping her hands and giving his pleading eyes. Eyes she knew he'd never say no to.

"Mmm....fine", he sighed.

Y/n explained exactly how they were going to do it without getting caught but problem was..they needed an extra pair of hands.

"Please Taka-chan!", Y/n had been begging Mitsuya to go along with their plan but he just wasn't budging.

"No way", he shook his head repeatedly.

"I see. It's okay, I won't force you to help", y/n signed with a fake frown on her face.

"Ugh she's doing it again..", Mitsuya muttered to himself.

"It's just sometimes it gets a bit lonely in here, you know?, she added, fake tears welling up in her eyes.

"Okay! Okay!", Mitsuya gave in.

Mikey and Mitsuya fell prey to her crocodile tears and fake frowns every single time. It was as clear as day that she was faking it but still, they couldn't help but agree to her requests.

"Great! Now off you go", Y/n signed, shooing the two out of her room as they left to complete the errands she had sent them on.


"Thank you Takashi", y/n smiled as Mikey helped her onto her wheelchair. She had changed into a grey hoodie and black sweatpants. She really wanted to wear something nice for a change but it was cold tonight so it couldn't be helped.

"After tonight, we never speak of this again", Mitsuya signed earning a nod from the two, putting on the h/c wig he bought.

People rarely came into her room in the night, only if she pressed the nurse call button so her plan was basically foolproof.


"See? I told you it'd work! I'm a genius!", Y/n signed before letting out a small laugh.

They had passed the back way out and Y/n's room was also on the ground floor which benefited their sneaking out.

"Yeah well we're never ever doing that again", Mikey signed with a small pout on his face, making Y/n laugh even more. "It was definitely because of that movie we watched wasn't it", Mikey signed.

"Yes!! It was such a cute movie!", she replied with a smile as Mikey nodded in agreement.

"Where'd you wanna go?", he asked.

She thought for a second. This was more than likely the only chance she'd get to go out. Mikey only agreed this one time because he promised 'anything'. He'd surely not agree to it a second time.

"Let's go to the convenience store to get taiyaki then we can go to the beach!", she signed, practically jumping out of her wheelchair in excitement.

"The beach?!".


"But it's freezing tonight—"

"You said anything", that was her only excuse so she was going to abuse it as much as she could. It wasn't like they were going to go swimming anyway.

Mikey sighed in defeat as they began to head in the direction of the convenience store.

"You and your taiyaki", he chuckled to himself.

A/N: I only learned from writing this that fullproof is actually spelt foolproof help

Make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night <3

Author out

Word count: 750 wordsDate: 2/8/21          (D/M/Y)

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Word count: 750 words
Date: 2/8/21

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