Chapter 20

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I open my eyes and I see that I am laying on my stomach, I look around and I didn't see Kyojuro. I shove my face into my pillow and whined, "what are you doing?" I mumbled into my pillow, "whining." He comes over and sits next to me, "I couldn't understand what you said. Get the pillow out of your face." I turn my head, "...there... The pillow is out of my face." He laid on my back, "you have to get up." "I really don't but okay..." He doesn't move, "I thought you said I had to get up?" "I changed my mind."
I roll over and he slides off, "mean much?" I scoff and laid on my back, "wuss." I gets on top of me, "I'm bored." "Not my problem." He straddles on my waist, "can we do something today?" "Like what?" He shrugs, "something entertaining." I sigh, "I already ate by the way." 'Damn I was hoping he would be hungry and busy eating his food.' I sit up and he stays in my lap, "you know... I could hear you screaming... You were the reason I wanted to come back." I tighten my grip on his sides, trying to calm myself down. "I don't know what I would have done without you..." He plays with my hair as I lean down, "well. I'm here now, that's all that matters."
He frowns, remembering something. "That day, when I was injured and you were fighting upper moon 3... A whole new side of you had shown, you went crazy..." "I'm sorry, seeing you hurt and bleeding like that made me lose it. I will torture anyone who dare harms you... You know that all to well now." I looked at his face, "if I could heal your eye then I would." I caress his cheek and he leans into my touch.
I put my head onto his shoulder, "no Sora." "I don't mean it like that, I just want to hold you." He relaxes, "are you okay?" I nuzzle into his neck, "yes. I'm fine."

Kyojuro had forced me to lay back down and he left, not like I had a problem with it. The blanket was only covering my legs and I lay on my stomach. I sway my tail around, hoping something would happen. "I'm back!" I look over at the door and see the smiling man, "I can see that." He throws my own kimono at me, "get dressed." I sat up and yawned, 'I haven't been this tired in years.'
I had gotten dressed and I left my room, I could see Senjuro sweeping around the house. "You know you don't have to do that." "I like doing it." The vines do my hair, it was in a low pony tail and it rested over my shoulder. "Thank you.."
I could sense Kyojuro outside, "I was able to get us a mission together!" I frown, "yeah no. I don't want you to get hurt." I took my kimono off and the vines from inside took it, "but I've healed! I'm fine!" I go over to him, "Shinobu said to take it slow, not fast." "Welp, I'm not going to listen to you! Let's go!" He starts walking off, I follow behind slowly. "Don't be slow!" "Screw you I'm going slow!" He smacks my abdomen, "don't act like a child!" "You're not my dad! You're my boyfriend!" He grabs my hand, making us descend down the mountain faster.

"Where are we going?..." "North!" I grumble, he had let my hand go earlier. I wag my tail side to side in annoyance, "is this even a moon?" "Maybe! Who knows!" My eye twitches, 'if its a regular demon or moon he wouldn't be doing anything! I'd kill the thing immediately!' He still had his smile on, I just was slouched and had an annoyed look. "...Baby. When will we be there...?" "A day or so."
I sigh and started to tickle his nose with my tail, "stop that!" I giggle, "boo. You're not fun at all." He turns and smacks my abdomen, "ow okay fine!" Trees surrounded us as we follow the path, bringing back memories. I grimace at the thought of it. "Can I run there? We'll both get there faster if I carry you and run." He stayed silent and continued to walk, I scoffed. I smirk and silently disappeared, he realized I wasn't there since he couldn't hear my footsteps. He looked around, his smile faltering. He unsheathes his sword and puts his guard up even more. I quietly jump down behind him, pouncing onto his body.
"WHAT THE-!" "Surprise!" "NOT OKAY!" I pout as I sit on the ground next to his body, " fun." He starts poking my face aggressively with his sword, "don't ever do that again! You hear me!" I just stare at him blankly, "uh huh." He irks with a smile on his face, clearly trying to keep his cool. "I love how you act totally different around other people and then here you are, yelling at me." "I-! I don't know what to say to that honestly." "Pfft." He sheathes his sword and gets up, "come on. We have mission to do." I groan and stand up, "why two pillars? Especially me and you, I could get it done within seconds. Well, if there are multiple moons then I would knock your ass out, hide your body some where safe, and kill them myself."
"I can fight!" I stare at him, "you just barley even recovered. Your abdomen is still healing, I can tell by how you breathe and your movements. Plus I hear your blood focusing more on that part if your body. What's more is that you lost an eye." He looks down, "once you recover all the way I'll train you. I'll enhance your senses, that way you don't have to use your eyes. I'll teach you how to feel someone's or somethings aura, although that would take years to master if you aren't born with it." I go faster and he tries to keep up with me, "you've slown down since the fight." I stop for a second for him to catch up, "we'll work on your speed as well. In my personal opinion, you should start with your arms. Block faster."
I pat his head, "you'll get there. You've done it once, you sure as hell can do it again." I could see him smile, "thank you. I appreciate it a lot." "Of course! Anything for my flame brain!" He sighs as we continue to walk to the village.

We look around for a bit, taking in our surroundings. "It'll be night soon, everyone is going home and closing shops." I nod, soon the whole place just went quiet. "Okay that's a little concerning. No one goes to bed like that, it's too damn quiet and I could hear them all sleeping." "That fast?" I grip the handle of my katana, "I don't sense the demon. Keep your guard up." I kept walking down the street, Kyojuro following me. Soon enough I sensed a demon up a head, then behind me. I looked back and see a demon heading straight for Kyojuro. I run and sliced his head off, the demon cursing at me.
"MUZAN WILL END YOU!" "Uh huh... Sure." I looked up and see Kyojuro fighting a demon, he was having trouble. I appear a head of the two as the demon's head falls to the ground, "thank you..." I bow and prayed for the demon, "I hope that you'll be a human in your next life." The demon turned to ash and was gone. "You okay?" Kyojuro nods but looks at the ground, upset that he was struggling against a regular demon. The way he was breathing worried me, he was using concentrated breathing constant but it wasn't helping him.
His wound on his abdomen seemed to affect his lungs along with the broken ribs. I go over and hugged him, "it's okay. It just takes time."

'I'm so sorry... You have to start back at square one... But this time, everything is going to be harder.'

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