Chapter 22

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"Ugh... What happened?" I look over to the man in my bed, "you decided to be a dummy and get drunk, Kyojuro." I get up from the chair I was sitting in and I walked over, "I'm so glad you're okay Sora." I ruffle his hair and smile, "don't underestimate me." He rolls his eyes and pushes my hand away. I look up and out the window as I heard some of the girls screaming. I furrowed my eyebrows and jumped out the window after opening it, "Sora wait!" I ignore Kyojuro. I look and see Uzui holding three of the girls, one of them being Aoi. The boys protest and yell at Uzui, I irk and I went over. I grabbed the girls from his arms and I kicked him, "damn... You pedophile." "I AM NOT A PEDOPHILE!" "I beg to differ..."
He stands up and points at himself, only to be cut off. "Why were you trying to take those girls?!" "Because I need 3 girls as spies to give me information, my wife had stopped contacting me, via crow. Here." A throws down a pile of paper, "jeez she writes you a lot." "I have three wives." Zenitsu's mouth opens up before he even yells, "3 WIVES?! YOU BASTARD!" I sigh in annoyance, "dude just take me so we can get this shit done and over with..." He stares at me, "I need info before I do anything. So no." I grumble, "yeah well screw you I'm heading out. I'll get your wives and I'll kill the demon." "DID YOU NOT JUST HEAR WHAT I SAID?!" I continue to walk off, then I realized. "Where the fuck is my sword?" 

The twerp had dressed up the boys and put makeup on them, "dude... What the fuck is this? No one is going to buy them!" "They'll do anything!" I scoff and went over to the boys, "just make sure you don't get any customers. Otherwise, you're screwed." They nod their heads while Inosuke just looked at me with confusion. "Leave the boys alone, Hashima." I turn around and glare and the man in front of me, "HOW ABOUT YOU LEAVE THEM ALONE YOU MAN WHORE! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO THEM!" He looks at them then back at me, "they'll be fine." I wanted to smack him right then and there but I didn't want him to get a concussion.  "AND I'M NOT A MAN WHORE!" "I BEG TO FUCKING DIFFER!" Uzui and I keep arguing until the boys had to break up our fight, "calm down it's not a big deal!" I sit down with my arms crossed, steam coming out of my nose. 
"You aren't coming with us, Hashima. End of story." I roll my eyes and head back inside, going back to my room. "You okay? I heard you yelling." "I'm fine, it's just Uzui won't let me go so I can find the demon and kill it." I sit on the bed, "well he is trying to find his wives. So he will need info first." I groan and lay on him, "you're heavy." "Can you breathe?" "Yes." "Then you're fine."

"Damn I must have fallen asleep." I woke up in my room, it was dark and I was alone. 'I smell blood...' I open the door to my room and walk out into the hallway, as I was going to head outside the scent of blood got stronger. I turn to my left and the whole hallway was covered in blood,  "oh my god..." I head down that hallway and looked to see if I could find anyone, but limbs were the only thing there... Along with Shinobu's hairpin. I picked it up and felt a few tears leave my eyes, "what in the hell did this and how did I sleep through this shit!" I run down the hallways; checking every room. I had found Kanao, she was mangled. I run over and fell down to my knees, "come on kid... Wake up!" I put my fingers on her wrist to feel her pulse, but I felt nothing. She was really gone... I got up and ran out of the room, "come on butterfly where are you..." I needed to look for Shinobu, I'm just hoping she's alive. The hallways never seemed to end, blood dripping off the ceiling and running down the walls. 
I finally found her, the butterfly of the slayers. I run over and bent down, picking her up. her stomach was ripped open and so her insides fall out. She wasn't breathing either, "holy fuck..."  I put her back down and went to head outside, the sky was blood red. The triplets were on the ground, they looked like they had been crushed. I left the estate and looked around, all of the Hashira were torn apart and in a pile. I didn't see Kyojuro so he must have been somewhere else, I start sobbing at the sight in front of me. I start running to the Flame estate, I was able to sense the whole Rengoku family in there, still alive and unharmed. I was about to go through that door before a voice had stopped me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you... They already see your shadow and you can smell their fear, can't you?" I turn around with wide eyes, knowing that the person behind me was right. "Muzan.." I could see him smile, "don't you love the masterpiece you had made! You got dirty doing it but I think it was absolutely beautiful." I look down and see my whole body covered in blood, 'I did this? No...'  "I-." I  wipe my mouth with my forearm and see blood smearing against it. "What in the hell did you do to me, Muzan! I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU FOR MAKING ME KILL THEM!" I run to him but he just dodges, "Sora, I didn't do anything. That was all you~" 
I didn't even want to move anymore, I just sat on the ground crying. I hear a door open and I feel someone touch my shoulder lightly, I turn and see Kyojuro. His smile was gone, a sword in hand. I look back at the ground and didn't do anything, I couldn't even cry anymore. "This sword was made special, a different type of ore. We already had tested it out on you and it worked, so this is goodbye." I didn't say a word, I didn't even care. I could sense him hesitate, his emotions were all over the place. "Go ahead, Kyojuro. I'm not stopping you."  I felt the sword go through my neck and my head went flying, I soon started to disintegrate. "I'm sorry for everything, love you flame brain." I could feel him holding my hand, hearing him cry was heartbreaking. 'It's for the best.'

I sit up and gasp, I look around and the room was dark and alone... "Oh god, no..." I run out of the room and looked everywhere, soon running into Shinobu. "Oh, you're awake? You slept for a whole week! Everyone was worried." I see Shinobu's eyes widen at the sight of my tears falling from my face, "thank god everyone is okay..." She went to hug me but I just stepped back, "stop... I don't want to hurt you." "What do you mean? What happened to you?" "N-Nightmare..." She grabbed my hand and led me outside, the sky was normal and the moon was bright.
"It must have been pretty bad if you're scared of hurting someone. Want to tell me what happened?" "I killed everyone. I woke up confused and the whole place was covered in blood, everyone was dead except for Kyojuro. He was at his estate with his family, clearly scared. No one was hurt over there, but as soon as I was about to open the door, Muzan was behind me. Saying that I did that all on my own. I just sat on the ground, I couldn't even cry anymore." I sniffle, "Kyojuro came out with a new sword made out of a different that was able to kill me. He cut my head off but he was crying so hard, I don't want to ever see that happen again." 
She rubbed my arm, "everyone is alive. No one is dead, everything is okay." "But what if something like that does happen?" "Knowing you, that wouldn't ever happen because you're stubborn." I chuckle lightly, still sniffling. "Hey what's wrong?" I hear Kyojuro's voice, "nightmare..." He sits down next to me, "what was it about?" I grumble, "I don't want to repeat it again..." "Don't worry I'll explain it to him!" I scooch Kyojuro away from me so I could lay my head in his lap.

After the whole story, I wanted to fall asleep. I honestly didn't care if they had to get me up because I'm not moving. 

"Come on we have to get you to bed."


"Why not?"

"Because flame brain, I'm comfy."

"You can get comfy in the bed."

"You are my bed." 

"...get the fuck up."

"fine.. meanie." 

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