How it all begins

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Tanjiro POV:

okay since it deleted my work and I'm lazy I'll just give a recap
Hanako and Shigeru played Rock Paper Scissors to see who will go down with Tanjiro and Hanako won so she went to go get ready)   'What a troublesome kid she is' I thought, then Hanako came running to me "IM READY LETS GO!" Hanako said with a big grin on her face "Alrighty! Okasan we are gonna go now! Bye"

When they got down there

"Hanako wake up we are here" I said Hanako had got tired on they way so I carried her here " *yawn* We're at the village?" She asked "Yup we are!" I replied to her

After they finish selling everything

"Your really stubborn y'know that" I said "Hey! I'm not stubborn!" Hanako replied with and ended up with me giving a small chuckle "Whatever you say stubborn Hanako" I said "HEYYYYY!" Hanako said while giving me soft hits. Not after long it became dark "Hey kids!" Someone called out I looked to see who it was and to my surprise it was old man Saburo "Come over here and sleep in here tonight. Its to dangers to be out here at night" I told him it was fine but he kept on insisting so in the end we stayed and old man Saburo started telling us about man eating demons and that they only come out at night and I remember that my grandma used to tell me about them

At morning

We had bid out thanks and where heading home until...i smelt blood, and whenever there's blood happiness is destroyed.... I told Hanako to stay behind me and once we got there, there was a horrible scene right in front of me "HANAKO COVER YOUR EYES!" I said and put my hand over her eyes both of us where crying I told here to wait for me at the tree and to not look at the scene and she followed my orders. I had checked everyone and the only one left still warm was Nezuko! So I picked her up and told Hanako about it and that we should go to a doctor "Lets go what are we waiting for!?" Hanako said with tears pouring down her eyes holding on to Nezukos hand then I heard something and felt Nezuko shift on my back and then we fell down 'The snow saved me....but it also made me slip, wait..' "HANAKO!" I screamed "I'm here" She said as she was a bit further away from me "W-WHERES NEZUKO!" I said in panic "S-she's over there!" And there she was Nezuko standing up "N-Nezuko! You dont have to walk I can carry you there"

And then everything else happend

"Do not let her (Talking about Nezuko) in direct sunlight currently you should be fine since it's cloudy" the strange depressed raven hair man said "O-okay!" I said "Well I should get going now" the strange man said then left "Hey Hanako" I said "Yeah onii-chan?" She said "We have to go back home okay.." I said with a hint of sadness "O-oh..okay I guess.." She replied with

Once they got there and buried the corpse of the family

"Hanako since Nezuko cannot go into sunlight we will stay here and practice to get stronger okay!" I said determined "Okay! But how will we train?" Hanako asked "Just wait here I found a book in my room that Otosan left and told me to use it when we need to get stronger I looked at it and it shows how to slay demons and breathing styles! Otosan also left use these from the book they are called 'Nirichin blades' and are the only thing other thank sunlight that can kill a demon" I explained and gave one to Hanako "So we will practice slaying demons?" Hanako asked "Yup until we master these so called 'breathing styles' apparently from this book there are diffrent types of breathing styles witch we can check out later after we clean up the house! How about that?" I asked "That seems like a good plan!" Hanako says.

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