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Tanjiro POV:

We went inside to get the book and to my surprise Yoriichi was there "HAHHH!? YORIICHI!? (I'm not gonna do sama,kun,chan and stuff like that cause I'm lazy)WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I said, well more like yelled in surprised "to train you Nezuko and Hanako of course" he said calmly with a small smile on his face "Eh!? But I thought you where just a person who was in my dreams!?" I said "no more like I'm friends with your ancestors and is technically dead but came back to help you defeat Muzak" he said "How can you say that so calmly like you are D E A D" Hanako says "Mhmhhh!" Nezuko says "oh also I mailed you as an Allie witch means you will have special powers? I guess you could say powers-"

Okay in my story if a ghost decides to help a human in life it is marked as an Allie witch means other ghost will protect the Allie and Allies can spot the difference between a demon,ghost and human since ghost and demons can be disguised as a human for Allies on top of the head is either demon,ghost or human depending on what it is if they want they can access personal info about them like their name, weaknesses and stuff like that Allies also get a boost in intelligence,power and speed also senses so they have the speed and power of a demon but can be very clever but before one becomes and Allie the ghost has to have permission from their master they server there are two masters the water moon master and sun master but that is only for ghost if you are an angel or devil it would be different

Let's say that Yoriichi told all that info to Tanjiro

Still Tanjiro POV:

"So can other people see you?" I asked Yoriichi "Yes because I am serving the sun master witch means if I want I can let other humans see me they just can't tell that I'm a ghost instead of a human" Yoriichi said "Ah okay!" I say "Anyways since I'm gonna be training you two Nezuko can rest for a bit then at night I will train her,okay?" Yoriichi says "Fair enough!" I say "well let's get going then!" Me and Hanako followed Yoriichi outside and I had completely forgotten about the stalker Nezuko stayed inside to restore energy for when she would train at night "right, for now I will teach you how to defend and dodge attacks!" Yoriichi says then swoops me, I fell on the ground landing on my back. Some tears where starting to form from the impact but I kept them in "First thing: always keep your guard up or" he then grabs Hanako using one hand and using the other to lift her up bringing her over his head and around then slamming her on her back of course since Hanako was younger he made sure it wasn't to hard "that might happen" Yoriichi says finishing his sentence "here is a tip! If the person is going to use their hands always look at the shoulders not at the face or anywhere else, also if they are going to kick you should never, and I repeat NEVER block with your hand if your going to use hands when someone kicks well atleast tries to kick you then just grab their large don't block using it since the leg is stronger than the arm" he says he would always surprise attack us witch is why me and Hanako always keep our guard up and at night while he trained Nezuko me and Hanako would would run all the way to the village with traps all around us to help our reflexes of course we would get breaks like if we where to get down to the village before sunrise we would get a few hours break but if we don't we would do 1000 sword swings and on Mondays and Friday's we wouldn't go down to the village instead we would sleep because sleep is still important this would happen for months then we started mastering breathing styles and since dad taught us how to use breathing styles it only took 1 month unlike Hanako who took 2 months and we made some ghost friends since we still went to town and could tell the difference between ghost and humans when we mastered our breathing styles Yoriichi made us stay in a forest where demons would usually hunt at once a week so we could experience what it was like to fight demons I learnt fire and water breathing during that whole thing while Hanako learnt only fire and in our spare time we would make poisen and test them out on demons to see if they worked effectively Yoriichi also said that once we become offical demon slayers we could start learning more breathing styles and even make some  but he said that after final selection I would mainly focus on learning sun breathing and Hanako would focus on moon breathing after even more training we finally would go to final selection. "Looks like you two are ready to go to Final selection" Yoriichi says "Wait really!" Hanako says in excitement "yup!" Yoriichi says "That's great!" Is say "well it's tomorrow so you guys better get some rest" Yoriichi says "oh before we go I was wondering if we could coat our swords with poison!" I say "Hmm...Like the insect Hashira does?" Yoriichi ask "Yeah!" I say "well it would be more effective so go for it!" Yoriichi says

Giyuus POV:

It had been a few months since the sibling met a strange man that looked a lot like the older brother learnt all their names witch was Yoriichi,Tanjiro,Nezuko and Hanako in these few months they had already learnt water breathing (that's what Giyuu saw he only saw water breathing since Yoriichi knew about him so he would always teach them on the days he wasn't stalking them) and I must say that is impressive for a 13 year old boy and (Idk Hanakos age so ima say 10) and a 10 year old girl apparently they would be going to final selection and I plan that after final selection I would bring Makamo and Sabito to watch over them with me since they did have a demon sister and I also forgot to mention that she has also been training (yes Makaomo and Sabito are alive cause I love them to much-)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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